Displaying 151 - 180 of 624
  • Article
    In the 20th century, we witnessed one of the most remarkable discoveries in recorded history: the discovery that the universe is finite. The implications of this discovery are indeed staggering.
  • Article
    The Books of 1 and 2 Kings were so named because they record and interpret the reigns of all the kings of Israel and Judah except Saul.
  • Article
    The anti-Semitism of the early Church is one of the great tragedies of history. While the teachings of Jesus came straight from the Hebrew Scriptures...
  • Article
    Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
  • Article
    We frequently quote St. Augustine’s observation, “In the Old Testament the New Testament is concealed; in the New Testament the Old Testament is revealed.”
  • Saul_and_witch_of_Endor
    In 1 Samuel 28, we find a bizarre chapter in the history of Israel. Israel’s King Saul has been long preoccupied with the pursuit of his rival David and has neglected the growing Philistine threat to Israel.
  • Kaballah
    Whether disillusioned by the self-imposed blinders and myopia of contemporary “science,” or frustrated by the moral bankruptcy of unbridled materialism, increasing numbers of desperate people are now seeking “answers” outside the realm of natural phenomena and are pursuing the supernatural.
  • Article
    Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
  • Magi
    o understand the timing of the birth of Christ, we need some political understanding of the empires as well as the geopolitical landscape of that time. The world’s first dictator, Nimrod, built the city of Babylon.
  • Halloween
    Every year on the last day of October, American children paint their faces, color their hair, don gowns, capes and fuzzy suits, and traipse about from door-to-door collecting bags of candy. Their parents join them, visiting parties and high school haunted houses.
  • Cosmic Codes
    As you undertake the serious study of the Bible, you are embarking on the most exciting adventure, the adventure of ideas. It should be your personal journey of discovery in this odyssey between the miracle of your origin and the mystery of your destiny.
  • Praying Hands
    What is truth? That was the rhetorical question of Pontius Pilate when he was facing Truth, in Person. Like Pilate, we are all faced with this basic challenge: “What is truth?”
  • Article
    The Bible is not merely a collection of writings by scattered desert nomads who combined the worship of two different gods named El and Yahweh into one God, who scratched their faith together from a mishmash of Canaanite beliefs.
  • Leviticus
    It may come as a surprise to discover that there are a number of Biblical experts who regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible!
  • Article
    A deception of cosmic proportions is coming. It won’t be just a false doctrine, a defective world-view, or one of the tragic “isms” so prevalent today. It will include a comprehensive global leadership backed by supernatural powers and capabilities that will overwhelm the imagination of the world at large.
  • Magi
    When we go back to the birth of Christ and His genealogy, it is full of surprises. It is protected with a security system written into the text. There is an authentication code which acts like an automatic security monitor, and it watches every little letter of the text.
  • Magi
    Almost everyone throughout the world celebrates Christmas. Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, and we celebrate it on December 25. But is that really the birth date of Christ? Or was it on September 29, 2 B.C.?
  • Article
    Over the many decades that I have enjoyed my love affair with the Bible, I have had the marvelous benefit of many great teachers. I’ve also had the incredible experience of fellowshipping in one of the most famous churches emphasizing expositional teaching from the Word of God.
  • Article
    We are going to focus on one Psalm that has an important nuance. Next to Psalm 22, it is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. Psalm 22 deals with the death of Christ and Psalm 69 deals with the life of Christ.
  • Chuck Missler Teaching
    During the last several years I have been frequently asked to provide some personal perspectives and general comments regarding the studying and teaching of God’s Word in a home Bible study setting.
  • Garden Tomb
    Every spring, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by hiding colored eggs and chocolate bunnies for our children. Little girls run around in white frilly dresses and boys sport handsome braces to hold up well-pressed trousers.
  • Article
    The “Peace Process” grinds on as the world continues to align itself against Israel and our government continues to stiff our only ally in the Middle East. As politicians continue to meddle in the region, we need to remember the Biblical basis of Israel’s right to the land.
  • Romance of Redemption
    The Bible is remarkable in its ability to reach the tenderest parts of our hearts and the roughest corners of our minds. Many of us have a favorite book of the Bible; Genesis, Isaiah, Romans, Revelation — each is powerful and touches us in deep, personal ways
  • Footprints of the Messiah
    In the early years of Christianity there was no New Testament. Jesus taught from the Hebrew Scriptures, and after His resurrection the first lesson He gave came straight from the Old Testament...
  • 7th Day
    Since the time of the Puritans, colonists in New England halted their work every Saturday night and rested themselves on Sundays. In honor of the Sabbath, blue laws forbade any work on Sunday, and during the 1800s many people were arrested for opening their shops, traveling, or even amusing themselves on the Lord’s Day.
  • Agony of Love
    The Scriptures were written as a shadow, a dim reflection of Jesus Christ himself — to explain in advance God’s whole plan for the salvation of the human race. The more I study God’s Word, the more I’m amazed by God’s precision.
  • Sovereignty_of_Man
    God formed man out of the dirt of the ground, and He created woman from the flesh of man’s side. We might not appreciate how personal that is. God merely speaks and worlds flash into being.
  • Heaven and Hell
    This is one of those all-important questions. It’s one that should keep us all awake until we know the answer. Is there life after death? Should we declare, “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” or do our actions in this life have repercussions in our eternities?
  • Passover
    Passover is perhaps the most universally familiar of the seven feasts of Moses, as many have seen the famous Cecil B. DeMille film, The Ten Commandments, which depicts the death of the firstborn, subsequently commemorated as Passover.
  • Daniel's 70 Weeks
    Daniel 9 is probably one of the most pivotal chapters in the entire Bible for understanding end-time prophecy. That may seem like an exaggeration, but after seeing what’s packed into this chapter it will be easier to understand why that perspective is held by so many.