Displaying 181 - 210 of 624
  • Seven Candles
    The Church was birthed fifty days after Jesus Christ rose from the dead. On Pentecost, the Old Testament feast of Shavuot, the Holy Spirit both alighted and lit up the disciples that were gathered together.
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    That’s quite a statement. If we really believe that, it should change everything. We realize that the Bible is not the random jottings of ancient Hebrew sages, but a portal — a portal into the heart of our Creator. The Word of God is given to instruct and correct and guide us, but it is also a weapon to protect us from the enemy of our souls.
  • Deuteronomy
    As Christians, it can be easy for us to mistake the purpose of humility. We know we are to avoid pride and arrogance; Satan was puffed up because of his pride, and it led to his corruption and will ultimately lead to his demise
  • Deuteronomy
    In last month’s issue, we began an investigation of Deuteronomy, the final book in the Law of Moses. In this article, we will continue in the first chapter of that incredible book.
  • Deuteronomy
    The five books of Moses are unquestionably the most venerated of texts the world over. Jewish sects all give the Torah highest honor, even if the sects can’t agree on anything else. Christians also hold the Torah in high regard, and Jesus repeatedly authenticated its five books by attributing them to Moses.
  • Origin of Evil
    Evil is something we understand by nature. We see Sauron or Darth Vader, and we recognize that they are evil. We understand without being told that the bad guys are those who slaughter innocent people.
  • Angels
    In Daniel 10, we find Daniel fasting and mourning for three weeks while an angelic messenger fights to get past the “Prince of Persia” to deliver a critical piece of communication. We learn that Michael the archangel comes to the aid of the messenger, who is then able to reach Daniel.
  • Alien Encounters
    In recent years, a number of astonishing events in our skies and in the corridors of power and influence have suggested to many that we are on the verge of open and global recognition of the reality of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and extraterrestrial life.
  • Angels
    We all know the Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life. Every year we get to watch George Bailey grow up in Bedford Falls, and every year we empathize with his years of frustration.
  • Fulcrum
    The Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in late 1946 in caves along the Dead Sea. The ancient settlement of Khirbet Qumran held millennial old sealed clay jars which contained about 1200 manuscripts, including more than 300 Biblical texts.
  • What is Truth
    What is truth? That was the rhetorical question of Pontius Pilate when he was facing Truth, in Person. Like Pilate, we are all faced with this basic challenge: “What is truth?”
  • Looking Ahead
    I just returned from my 60th class reunion for the United States Naval Academy. When I graduated 60 years ago, that was a statement second to none. It was a big deal to graduate from the Naval Academy or West Point back then.
  • Israel and the Church
    In any pastor’s study we will find a set of books called Systematic Theology, and in those books we will find doctrinal views on a large number of subjects. Yet, they are almost all missing one very important subject...
  • Article
    Over the many decades that I have enjoyed my love affair with the Bible, I have had the marvelous benefit of many great teachers. I’ve also had the incredible experience of fellowshipping in one of the most famous churches emphasizing expositional teaching from the Word of God.
  •  Beyond Newton
    A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding. — Isaac Newton
  • Feasts of Israel
    The anti-Semitism of the early Church is one of the great tragedies of history. While the teachings of Jesus came straight from the Hebrew Scriptures, a backlash against ritualistic devotion to the Law developed into a deliberate attempt to steer away from the Old Testament.
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    What Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today?
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    In our culture, faith is frowned on as mere imagination — the hopes and wishes of the common man. Evidence is what matters, we are told — and not just any form of evidence.
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    In our culture, faith is frowned on as mere imagination — the hopes and wishes of the common man. Evidence is what matters, we are told — and not just any form of evidence.
  • Article
    The Second Epistle of John is among the most neglected books of the New Testament. It, like his third epistle, is simply a short personal letter from the Apostle. There is little doubt that the Apostle John was the author, but there are a number of conjectures as to whom it was written: someone called “the Elect Lady.”
  • Article
    What child doesn’t love a good spy book, complete with clues and ciphers? As young people, we delighted in passwords and vocabulary that only our best friends understood. We invented secret codes and used them to pass messages that nobody else could read.
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    The Bible is the single most important book of all time, selling an estimated 5 billion copies. It has been translated into 349 languages, and 2123 languages have at least one book of the Bible.
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    Calling all “Flat Earth Society” members! Don’t throw away your historical credentials! It now turns out that your perceptions may have been even more extensive than previously suspected! Not only the Earth, but the entire universe may be “flat.”
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    The “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” have become the ultimate symbols of gloom and doom in literature and other entertainment projects. The fourth of these is certainly amongst the most terrifying:
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    John tells us that the price of grain is one denarius — about ten times its normal price when these words were penned in the first century. At those prices, each worker would barely be able to feed one person — or require that the entire family try to survive on the amount of food that just one person needed to survive.
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    It is quite remarkable how often mistaken identities occur throughout our literature: Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest, Charade, et al.; Daphne du Maurier’s Scapegoat, Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Christo and The Man in the Iron Mask all rely on mistaken identities.
  • Article
    The 15th chapter in 1 Corinthians is the most important chapter in the Bible (and the longest in this epistle). It deals with the ultimate enemy of mankind: death. It announces the death of death itself. This chapter is regarded by many as the Centerpiece of Christianity and the climax of Paul’s message.
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    The Spiritual Gifts are among the richest blessings for Believers, and yet also remain among the most divisive topics within the Christian community. 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 14 reveal more about the work of the Holy Spirit than do any other passages in the Word of God.
  • Article
    There are three principal judgments that are often confused: the Bema Seat Judgment, the Sheep and Goat Judgment, and the Great White Throne. They are each quite different.
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    As the centroid of geopolitical power on the Planet Earth continues its shift westward, you can also see a cloud of spiritual darkness emerging on our eastern horizon.