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    What is an Explorer? An explorer is a person who investigates something they are unfamiliar with. It is a term that does not carry with it the sense of academic achievement, public recognition, or formal accreditation.
  • Yosef Garfinkel
    At our orientation evening before the start of every Koinonia House B.A.S.E. Tour, I will give a little speech to level set our group’s expectations.
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    For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
  • Hyrcanus
    Our hearts were pounding as we slipped over the side of a shallow grotto at the edge of the Abraham's House complex. Having finished leading our 2019 B.A.S.E. Tour of Israel, Bob Cornuke wanted me to see a previously undocumented tomb in the upper Silwan area of the Mount of Olives.
  • Auschwitz
    On January 27, 1945, the Soviets entered Auschwitz. What they found, in this, now the best known of the Nazi death camps, were the weakest of the still living, corpses, and the remains of the vast machinery of mass murder.
  • Explore
    I first became aware of Bob Cornuke through his book ”Mountain of Fire.“ It was during August 2001 when my family and I were visiting our good friends, the Corletts, at their home in Upstate New York. Chris Corlett gave us the book and as we read it we found ourselves captivated by the daring exploits of Bob and his partner Larry.
  • At the base of Jabal al-Lawz

    Thirty years of investigation, researching the Biblical narrative.

    Now, Ron Matsen can reveal the evidence; the Israelites did journey to the Mountain of God and their very likely route may be surprising!

    Come see for yourself: photos, videos, and analysis. Touch the blackened rock from this mountain, then YOU be the judge.

    If you have further questions, or would like information about hosting your own event, please contact us.

    Check our schedule here for tours and events.

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    “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16
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    In 1948, famed archaeologist and leading Biblical scholar William Albright made the extraordinary claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls were “the greatest archaeological find of the 20th century.”
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    Dame Isabel Piczek—a Hungarian trained particle physicist and internationally renowned monumental artist—has apparently uncovered hard, scientific evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, rise from the dead.
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    On August 3, 1492, due to the Edict of Expulsion, all Jews were required to leave Spain. Boarding their vessels before midnight, and sailing one-half hour before sunrise, Columbus and his crew set out on their now-famous voyage.
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    Over the past year and a half, BASE Institute has been involved in painstaking research into Luke's amazingly detailed account of Paul's voyage and shipwreck off the coast of Malta, as recorded in Acts 27.
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    In our previous article we explored some hints, in the Old Testament Scriptures, that the fabled Ark of the Covenant may, indeed, presently reside in Ethiopia, in accordance with a tradition that goes back over 2,600 years.
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    The Ark of the Covenant, a prominent fixture in the narratives of the Old Testament, certainly seems to have disappeared from view after the Babylonian captivity, which began in 606 B.C. There are many theories as to what happened to the Ark of the Covenant. This issue was, of course, popularized in the well-attended fantasy movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  • Jabal al Lawz
    Bob Cornuke, a dear friend, visited us this past week and shared with us one of his recent adventures, which parallels several previous surreptitious visits to Saudi Arabia and clearly appears to corroborate some surprising discoveries. Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams managed - by means we will defer discussing here - to spend some time in Saudi Arabia and made it a point to check out an astounding theory about the Exodus in the Bible.