Displaying 61 - 90 of 624
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    Isaiah was the most comprehensive of all prophets: his writing spans the entirety of history, from the creation of the world to the creation of “a new heavens and new earth.” No other prophet matches his majestic eloquence on the glory of God and the redemptive work and sufferings of the Coming Messiah, all the while making us clearly aware of God’s abounding Grace.

    This study contains approximately 24 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 2023
    Recorded 1996
    Remastered 2023

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    • Has God abandoned Israel?
    • Has the Church “replaced” Israel?
    • What does the Bible say?

    As we watch the world events, it is clear that Israel is following her prophetic scenario, and a new chapter is about to be written–and there may be a big surprise on our near horizon!

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teaching.

    Copyright © 2012

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    The Book of James focuses on the believer's justification before men. His robust epistle focuses on the practical Christian walk rather than on doctrine; it is directed toward a living faith. Faith is not believing in spite of the evidence; Faith is obeying in spite of the consequences.

    This study contains 10 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 07-01-2006

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    Here is one of the bravest, and most tender, yet most pathetic figures in all history: a patriot as well as a prophet. He is known as the "Weeping Prophet": he watched his nation decline and finally fall under God's judgment. During Jeremiah's 40 years of ministry, he never received a hint of gratitude.

    As one of the most important of the "Major Prophets," Jeremiah is a rich, rewarding study. It is full of surprises, deeply touching episodes, and extremely moving reading. It is also, in many ways, profoundly timely for us today!

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    Just who is Jesus Christ? What did Jesus actually accomplish? Jesus Christ is not “a concept,” an “idea,” or a “useful traditional value.” He is an actual living person who came to accomplish a specific purpose that prevails over everything else: His achievement continues to impact you and me, and determines our eternal destiny.

    He is the fulfillment of a pervasive promise made before the foundation of the world and the very standard by which the entire universe, and everything in it, will be judged!

    Join Dr. Chuck Missler as he explores who Jesus really is.

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    Jesus died for Muslims and we must reach out to them in God's love. We must also be aware of the implications of their occultic religion.

    September 11, 2001

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    "...I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Listen, please, and let me speak; You said, 'I will question you, and you shall answer Me.' I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes." - Job 42:3b-6

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    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

    Because of its emphasis on "the Love of God" and Jesus' being the incarnation of that Love, many believe this gospel is the most important for new and old Christians alike to take to heart. Written by the "disciple whom Jesus loved", the book of John is organized around seven miracles, seven discourses and seven "I AM" statements. This study is so deep "an elephant can bathe in it, and yet an infant can wade in it."

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    See God's hand at work in the life of one of His prophets to bring repentance to one of the largest cities of the ancient world and discover lessons from Jonah's life that we can apply to ourselves.

    What does Jesus mean when he speaks of "the sign of the prophet Jonah" in Matthew 12? Study this "whale of a tale," validated by Jesus, with special significance for the New Testament believer.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teachings

    Copyright © 03-02-1994

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    Under close examination, the Book of Joshua seems to be a precursor to the book of Revelation: another Yehoshua, as Commander-in-Chief, will dispossess the Planet Earth of its usurpers -- first sending in two witnesses, then with a series of judgments of sevens, finally defeating the kings with signs in the sun and moon while the kings of the earth all hide in caves. What does the name "Joshua" mean?

    This study contains 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 12-01-2001
    Recorded: 2001

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    The book of Jude is a tiny book, tragically neglected by students, yet overflowing with fascinating Old Testament references and allusions: lessons from Israel in the wilderness, the angels that sinned, the strange events of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other insights from Cain, Balaam, as well as the mysterious person known as Enoch.

    This study contains approximately 8 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 05-01-2006

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    Fans of historical romance, military history, soap operas, conspiracy theories, spy novels, swashbuckling adventure, or political intrigue will find it all here in the Book of Judges! But from a broader and deeper perspective, Judges is essentially the story of a deteriorating nation - and it serves as a sober warning against deterioration in our own nation, and in our own personal lives.

    This study contains 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 12-01-2002

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    "Whether disillusioned by the self-imposed blinders and myopia of contemporary "science," or frustrated by the moral bankruptcy of unbridled materialism, increasing numbers of desperate people are now seeking "answers" outside the realm of natural phenomena and are pursuing the supernatural. The anguished plea of the disenfranchised now begs the question, "Is there anyone out there?"

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    The original birth of civilization began in the Middle East and migrated westward - to Greece, to Rome, and then to the nations of northern Europe. As Henry Luce so aptly quipped in 1941, ''The twentieth century was the American Century.'' And indeed it was. But the centroid of power continues to migrate westward: it is widely anticipated that the 21st century will be the ''Asian Century.''

    With recent shifts in the economic centers of the world, most notably the decline of the U.S., the Far East is quickly rising to fill the void.

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    The Ultimate Literary Adventure

    Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written?

    Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and Biblical narrative, acclaimed teacher Dr. Chuck Missler weaves together a rich tapestry of information–providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us, and to the world at large.

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    Chuck Missler deeply believed that the Church in the end times would need to be “self-feeders.” In his teaching series on the Once and Future Church, Chuck emphasized the fact that the best place to practically learn the Bible is within a small group of believers who are all dedicated to taking the Bible seriously.

    To help facilitate this vision, Koinonia House has prepared a complete study group tool kit. Just add a group of people excited to explore the Bible and you have 
    all you need to start your group NOW!

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    It may come as a surprise to discover that there are a number of Biblical experts who regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible! The Book of Leviticus cannot be "read;" it has to be studied. But fasten your seat belts! It's going to be an exciting and highly privileged excursion!

    This study contains 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 09-01-2002

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    For many, the Gospel according to "the Beloved Physician" is the most readable and complete account of the life of Christ. Known for its historical detail and precision, Luke was chosen by the Holy Spirit to communicate the Gospel to an educated and technological culture. The evidences of the truly "human" nature of Jesus Christ are littered throughout this treatise.

    This study contains 24 hours of verse by verse teachings.
    Recorded: 2011

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    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young ruler questioned Christ about what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Mark's Gospel includes a detail that Matthew and Luke failed to mention: "And Jesus looking upon him loved him..." This hints at the possibility that young John Mark himself may have been that rich young man.

    This study contains 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 07-01-2010

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    Matthew presents Jesus Christ as the Jesus as the Meshiach Nagid, the Messiah the King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. It was written by a Jew, to Jews, about a Jew. This book of the Bible uses more Old Testament quotes than any other. The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the saying of Jesus, including ten parables not found in any other Gospel. After first establishing the royal genealogy, he then goes on to focus on the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. Matthew uses the term "fulfilled" 82 times!

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    • Are the recent discoveries on the Planet Mars really monuments built by some other culture?
    • Is the mile-wide "Face" a carefully crafted monument, or simply a natural aberration?
    • Is there a link between the "pyramids" on Mars, and the Great Pyramid of Egypt?
    • Has all this been described in the Bible?

    Chuck Missler is an internationally recognized authority, and was a consultant on several CBS prime-time television specials.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teachings

    Copyright © 11-01-1992

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    • Who was this strange Priest/King that received tithes from Abraham?
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    Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the “End Times” or “Last Days”. In this field of study, there is a minefield of disinformation, misunderstandings and myths concerning many future events:

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    In Hebrew, Bmidbar means ''in the wilderness,'' which is the real name of this book. The Greek translators called it Arithmoi, and in Latin it was Numeri, because the translators focused on the two census takings at the beginning and the end of the wanderings. But its basically ''the wilderness wanderings.''

    Numbers is really a book about arrested progress. In a sense, it never should have happened. It took only 40 hours to get Israel out of Egypt - the Passover. But it took 40 years to get Egypt out of Israel.

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    Paul certainly knew suffering, and Paul also knew true joy. And he knew joy through suffering. In his darkest hour, he wrote this letter to encourage his most intimate friends. He himself was a prisoner at the time yet it was he who was providing encouragement to them, the faithful at Philippi!

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    What is the World Coming To?

    The Bible contains 8,362 predictive verses about 737 different matters and yet prophecy is one of the most neglected subjects in the Church today. Understanding prophecy is an essential and fundamental issue for every serious Christian. But where do we start?

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    Profiling the Future Through the Lens of Scripture

    Chuck Missler takes readers on an eye-opening journey, showing them how our time is an exciting fulfillment of prophecy. Profoundly provocative, this book allows us to get a clear view of what past Biblical prophecies mean for both the present and the future. Through careful exegesis, Missler posits that the Biblical track record in accurate prophecy offers understanding of likely future events across the ever-changing globe. But he doesn't engage in guess-work. Instead, Missler:

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    The Book of Proverbs could be titled, ''Wise Up'' and Live. Beyond simply obeying laws, this book focuses on leading an aggressively dynamic life, giving examples of proper and improper attitudes, conduct, and characteristics in succinct, penetrating ways. A proverb can be thought of as ''a short sentence from long experience''; it is easy to remember, yet it condenses much wisdom into a small space.

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    Psalms is Israel's hymnal: it is poetry laced with strong theology. In Hebrew, this book is called Tehillim = ''Praises." There are 55 psalms addressed to ''the chief musician." [Greek: psalmoi, ''a poem to be sung to a stringed instrument'' or psaltar, for harp or stringed instrument.]

    History instructs: Law teaches: prophecy announces, rebukes, chastens: morality persuades. Psalms is the medicine and succor for the comfort and encouragement of us all. They are written to the individual-all of us, individually.

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    • What's behind the UFO's?
    • Where are they from?
    • Are they the Nephilim of ages past?
    • What does the Bible say about them?
    • What's their agenda for Planet Earth?

    This subject has not gone away. On the contrary, much new evidence has surfaced with global implications. Chuck explores the Biblical relevance and disturbing agenda of the apparent extraterrestrial life forms that have been forcing themselves into our global consciousness and reveals their most disturbing agenda.