Displaying 31 - 60 of 624
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    The foundations of scientific materialism are in the process of crumbling. Philosopher of science Stephen C. Meyer shows how the digital code in DNA points powerfully to a designing intelligence behind the origin of life.

    Unlike previous arguments for intelligent design, DNA By Design presents a radical and comprehensive new case, revealing the evidence not merely of individual features of biological complexity but rather of a fundamental constituent of the universe: information.

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    "I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness":

    - Ecclesiastes 7:25

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    Dr. Chuck Missler's entire Audio Bible Commentary set in one package.

    Now available in a handsomely presented USB drive that is housed in an engraved wood presentation box containing:

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    Have you ever wished you could win a lottery? Or inherit a great fortune? We have already won an inheritance that is beyond our comprehension! An inheritance that transcends any quantitative measurement. In fact, it was set aside for us before the world began!

    Ephesians is regarded by many as the loftiest pinnacle of the New Testament, and yet is also a practical manual for personal combat.

    This study contains 8 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Join Chuck Missler as he explores Ephesians verse-by-verse teaching.

    Copyright © 01-15-2009
    Recorded: 2009

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    One of Christianity's most controversial issues - and one of our most frequently asked questions - involves the concept of Eternal Security. There are good scholars on all sides of this issue, yet we felt it would be useful to explain our own views on this highly charged subject.

    We believe that the root problem stems from a lack of precision in our definitions. Earl Rademacher brings this to light when he declares that, I have been saved: I am being saved: and, I will be saved. He is simply highlighting the three tenses of salvation.

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    The Book of Exodus is the bedrock of God's plan of redemption and is seen as a 'type' of the early church. It is also an adventure of discovery, since the dramatic narrative is laced with numerous hidden messages in the form of microcodes and macrocodes, each anticipating the New Testament climax.

    This study contains approx. 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 20-08-2022
    Recorded: 2000

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    There are many diverse anticipations concerning the Coming World Leader, commonly referred to as “The Antichrist.” This study will explore the Biblical descriptions with the specific expectations of the globalists, Islam, the Vatican, Freemasonry, and others.

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    The book of Ezekiel contains some of the most incredible prophecies in the Bible, including detailed description of a Nuclear War and the cleanup afterward. Ezekiel ministered to a nation experiencing judgment for their sins, and may have some lessons for us today.

    Ezekiel's name means "God strengthens, or God will strengthen." Ezekiel is one of the three that were called Captivity Prophets (the other two are Jeremiah and Daniel). Ezekiel never mentions Jeremiah in his writings, but he does mention Daniel three times.

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    The books of Ezra and Nehemiah (and Esther) cover about 100 years, closing the Old Testament historical books. The books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles closed with the Southern Kingdom (Judah)'s going into captivity. The two post-exile books of Ezra and Nehemiah record the return from Babylon after its fall to the Persians under Cyrus, the rebuilding of the Temple and Jerusalem, and the reestablishment of the national life of Israel.

    This study contains 8 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 10-01-2003
    Recorded: 2003

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    What Old Testament Bible Study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, is given by seven different people and is almost never given today?

    That Jesus is the Messiah of Israel! How certain can we be that Jesus is the Messiah?

    Review some of the major passages in the Tanakh (the Old Testament) which predict and describe the Scriptural expectations to be fulfilled by the Messiah of Israel. This study will also take a mathematical analysis of a small sampling from the more than 300 predictions concerning the Jewish Messiah.

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    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as could not be paralleled in any work.

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    Recent discoveries in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, particle physics, and molecular biology have cast a new light on the traditional accounts of Genesis One.

    Find out why the most advanced views of the universe's origin prove to be surprisingly consistent with the insights of the Hebrew scholars eight centuries ago!

    Among the most elusive areas of modern science has been the nature of light, the subject of the first direct quote by God in the Bible.

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    There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “world view” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.

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    The celebration of the pagan festival of Halloween is now a multi-billion dollar merchandiser's market. Fifty percent of Americans will decorate for Halloween (compared to over 80% for Christmas). It is now the third most popular party activity, after the Superbowl and New Year's Eve.

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    What Happens When You Die?

    We don't like to think about death. It's not a pleasant subject, and we avoid even discussing it seriously or giving it any diligent study. Yet our appointment with death is the most certain event in our future. We all know of personal examples when death has come suddenly to people, without warning, without preparations; car accidents, stray bullets, unforeseen strokes. When it comes our time, what do we expect death to be like? How will we enter eternity?

    This study contains 2 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 11-01-2003

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    This letter is one of the two greatest theological treatises of the New Testament. It is the ''Leviticus'' of the New Testament, detailing how the Lord Jesus Christ is both the fulfillment and the successor to all that had gone on before.

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    For the novice as well as the sophisticate, this study is full of surprises. It includes subtle discoveries lying just “beneath” the text -- hidden messages, encryptions, deliberate misspellings and other amendments to the text -- that present implications beyond the immediate context, demonstrating a skillful design that has its origin from outside our space and time. Drawing upon over forty years of collecting, Chuck highlights in this study many of the precious nuggets that have become characteristic of his popular Bible studies around the world.

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    Hosea's Challenge to America!

    Hosea, one of the most provocative prophets of the Old Testament, was called by God to declare God's impending judgment on the Northern Kingdom:

    They had been experiencing an unparalleled prosperity in their time: and yet they had sunk to the lowest moral depths of their two century history. It was the Best of Times and it was the Worst of Times.

    As a result, God was about to use their enemies as His instrument of judgment.

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    • Which translation is best?
    • Which Study Bible?
    • What are the secrets of resolving difficult or controversial passages?

    From forty years of intensive Bible study and teaching, Missler shares his favorite helps, secrets and practical suggestions on how to take the Bible seriously.

    Most Christians, although they want to do in-depth Bible study, know little of the types, philosophies and tools of study available. Is the Bible to be taken literally or figuratively? What study aids would be most helpful in beginning my own home study library?

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    • Where did our Bible come from? How good are the texts?
    • Why do we believe its origin is supernatural?
    • How do we know that it really is the Word of God?
    • How accurate are our translations?
    • Which version is the best?

    Chuck Missler, an internationally recognized Biblical authority, reviews the origin of both the Old and New Testaments in light of recent discoveries and controversies.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teachings.

    Copyright © 16-07-2021

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    In Hebrew, this book is called dibhere ha-yamim: ''the words concerning the days.'' The Jewish Bible regards the Old Testament as 22 books and Chronicles is counted as a single book. I and II Chronicles take the form of a history: David and Judah are the focal points. The emphasis of I and II Chronicles is on the Southern Kingdom and the preservation of the Davidic line.

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    The city of Corinth was Hollywood, Las Vegas and New York all rolled into one. Corinth was intellectually alert, materially prosperous, but morally corrupt. Its citizens were devoted to the reckless development of the individual. The church at Corinth is the "carnal church" - spiritual babes, immature and undeveloped. Paul seeks to provide them with the necessary guidance to bring them to full maturity.

    This study contains over 22 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 2015

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    I and II Kings provide a record of Israel's history from the beginning of the movement to place Solomon on David's throne through the end of the reign of Zedekiah, Judah's last king. There are great lessons to be learned from Israel's desire to be "like those around us" and its consequences.

    This study contains 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.

    Copyright © 08-01-2003

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    As a member of the Inner Circle Peter was present at the Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus' daughter, and the closer circle at Gethsemane. This most vibrant personality's letters are rich in theology as well as practical exhortation, dealing with our living hope, suffering persecution for righteousness' sake, the use of heavenly gifts, patience in suffering, fidelity in service, and humility in ministering to one another.

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    "And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle [is] the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands." And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine..." -1 Samuel 17:47-48

    The two books of Samuel form a basic foundational study in the Old Testament. An understanding of this basic history is essential, not only to understanding the Old and New Testaments, but in gaining a valid perspective of eschatological issues as well.

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    How does your eschatological view affect your life? If it has no effect, you might reconsider what you really believe. Paul's epistles to the believers in Thessalonica are the two most important New Testament eschatological epistles. 1st Thessalonians is among the earliest New Testament documents: written less than 20 years after Christ's resurrection. Every chapter refers to the Second Coming. The most famous declaration in this letter is on the Harpazo, commonly called, from the Latin, the "Rapture." Paul's second letter apparently followed his first by a few months.

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    Of John's five New Testament books, these three include a sermon and two personal letters, one of which may have been written to Mary, the mother of our Lord. His Gospel deals with our past: Salvation. Revelation deals with our future. John's First Epistle deals with our present: Sanctification. It has been called the New Testament sanctum sanctorum. John's bandwidth extends from the practical, the Christian's Bar of Soap", to the hyperspace of our resurrection body!

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    • Why do we believe that Jesus is the Messiah?
    • What is the probability that even 8 of the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament would be fulfilled in one man?
    • Do both the Old and New Testaments claim the deity of the Messiah?

    As part of their recent series on The Creator Beyond Time and Space, Chuck Missler and Dr. explore the historical evidence, claims, attributes, and authentication of Immanuel - God with us.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teachings.

    Copyright © 04-01-1996

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    "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, each is in effect a veritable microminiaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up of 100,000,000,000 atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the nonliving world."

    -Biochemist Michael Denton

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    Are all believers going to be equal in heaven? Wasn't it all decided at the cross? Is there a difference between overcoming sin and bearing fruit?

    Inheritance came to the firstborn son by virtue of his birth. Whether he actually secured it depended upon his obedience and the father's choice. Inheritance was subject to condition and obedience. The Abrahamic Inheritance was based on Divine Oath, conditioned on obedience.