Displaying 301 - 320 of 1146
  • Despite the many friendly speeches U.S. President Obama made in Israel last March, there is evidence of a secret document that reveals his real policy for the Middle East and Islam.

  • As the approach of a very literal Kingdom now looms on our horizon, it becomes increasingly urgent for all of us to fully apprehend the implications for our personal walk and priorities.

  • Revisionist history as illustrated in Moss’s book is indicative of a modern trend to discount the suffering Christians are enduring today.

  • Each of the Feasts of Moses, in addition to being commemorative, is also prophetic. The Feast of Pentecost proves to be prophetic of the Church.

  • When at the depths of a trial, if we can respond in such a way that the situation pushes us into God’s presence, then we can expect to experience the joy of the Lord in spite of our circumstances.

  • As computing power has grown exponentially, so has the need for data storage. And the next leap is to DNA.

  • Knowing how to make “faith choices” is saving my life. I trust Him in all of this. That’s easy to say, but “walking that out” is what I need to do right now.

  • We are fast approaching a time when each of us will have to make some decisions—decisions about our life, our relationships, and our worldview.

  • The great tragedy—especially in America today—is that “The Gospel” is painfully absent in today’s “politically correct” pulpits.

  • There is no doubt that gun violence in the United States is a problem, but so is the progressive loss of freedoms. The Second Amendment is very short because when it was drafted, no explanation was needed. How you interpret the text depends on your worldview.

  • Overcomers are those victorious ones who have learned how to master the flesh, prevail over the world and conquer the devil only through Christ’s Life in them.

  • Let’s take stock of ourselves: Why is the divorce rate among Christians no better than among unbelievers? Is the “Gospel” preached in your church? What is the status of Biblical literacy in your fellowship? Is our Christianity lukewarm?

  • Epigenetics is one of the fastest-growing areas of biological research worldwide. It is upending long-held views about people, society and life.

  • One of the greatest proofs that we are, indeed, partakers of Christ’s Life is that we will be living and sharing His Agape Love to all we come in contact with.

  • John’s Gospel is intense and uniquely rewarding for both the novice and the seasoned Bible student. It is a fruitful place for a beginner, yet it continues to reveal surprises to challenge the most sophisticated and diligent.

  • Advances in technology have confirmed the growing suspicions that the linkage between DNA and what you see in the cell is not a one-to-one relationship: what you see in the DNA is not fully what you get in the creature.

  • While we cannot set dates for the Rapture, we can look at the world and see that we are viewing the signs of the end times. All around us we see the signs of Christ’s return prophesied millennia ago.

  • The UN gave Palestine the status of a non-member state. The only thing this will do is to convince people even more that they are following a clever and successful strategy. They aren’t.

  • I hope and pray that you had a very blessed Holiday Season. Truly, even with all that’s going on in many of our personal lives, and all that’s happening in our country, we still have so much to be thankful for.

  • Virtually all ancient calendars were initially based on a 360-day year: 12 months of 30 days each. However, all calendars change in 701 b.c.; they all resort to adjustments to accommodate the current sidereal reckoning. Why?