Displaying 261 - 280 of 1146
  • Why do we care about privacy anyway? If we have “nothing to hide,” why worry? We live in a world where almost everything is recorded in one way or another. Computers, cameras, and relentless recordkeeping turn our lives into a living novel that can be read by anyone—without even a search warrant in many cases.

  • It seems as if our current world monetary system is on the verge of collapse. What is the next step for money? We have written before on the concept of money and its history. The last time this topic was addressed in Personal UPDATE was when the U.S. Stimulus Package was passed by Congress when they no longer feared the concept of trillions of dollars in the yearly deficit.

  • God wants us to be “fully persuaded” that no matter what happens, He will work all things together for good.

  • As a group of believers, we are leaving our young people woefully unprepared to face a frequently hostile world once they leave the nest. When one looks around a church or a conference, many times there seems to be something missing. The Youth. It is a common complaint. Parents ask their pastor and friends, “What’s happened to my kids?”

  • The Book of Ruth is a classic love story of loyalty and devotion, and yet it also contains some surprising insights that go far beyond the historical narrative itself.

  • What is Common Core curriculum, and why is it effective in uniting parents, professionals and politicians in such a protest?

  • In our haste to be “like Jesus,” many of us have forgotten the first basic step of the Christian life, which is to know the extent and the depth of god’s love for us personally.

  • Unquestionably, Isaiah has given us our most indispensable Old Testament prophetic tour de force and it is replete with exegetical discoveries and hermeneutic treasures.

  • When we choose to follow our own feelings and desires over God’s will, we quench His Spirit in us. This, then, blocks His Love not only from flowing through us to others, but also hinders us from experiencing His Love personally.

  • No matter where we live in the world or whatever generation God has chosen to place us, we will experience financial uncertainty. Thank goodness for timeless divinely inspired Scriptures that tell us how to live.

  • While governments plan (sometimes poorly) for disasters, individuals have the ultimate responsibility for their own welfare and that of their family.

  • Worship is critical because it’s the key to God’s presence. It’s what brings us intimacy with the Father; worship is a two-way communication.

  • While many people came to hear top-notch speakers from around the world, many came for the added blessing of fellowship.

  • How we handle financial turmoil will either build us up in Christ or demonstrate our spiritual flabbiness. How are Christians called to live in a society characterized as hostile to our beliefs, pushing an immoral agenda, high rate of taxation, anti-Israel posture and an intrusive, unstable government that stirs tension between religious groups?

  • The Metacosm is the domain of transdimensional creatures such as angels (fallen and unfallen), demons, and—surprisingly—UFOs and other ostensibly hybrid forms encountered in the Scriptures.

  • The world is moving into a new phase of labor. It could be termed “Jobs 3.0.” We’ll have one group of people who will be working in higher skilled jobs that, as yet, have not been automated and a permanent underclass living off government assistance. Many would say we are already there.

  • What does it mean to “abide in Him” or to “abide in the Spirit”? Abiding means remaining in, staying in, dwelling in or continuing in the Holy Place. It means staying in the Lord’s presence. It means continuing to worship Him and be fruit bearers to others.

  • Most of what we associate with the “Magi” is from early church traditions. What do we really know about the Magi?

  • The use of chemical weapons on Syrian civilians crossed a red line that had been politically imposed by President Barack Obama a year prior. However, Obama’s red line turned out to be shaded in gray when chemical weapons were employed and Obama took no action.

  • The term “Antichrist” is the most common appellation that fills thousands of books and speculations about his origin, his nature, his agenda, and his destiny.