Displaying 281 - 300 of 1146
  • In the United States, there is a movement toward what is called a Common Core curriculum standard. There is more to this initiative than meets the eye.

  • The expectation among media outlets is for a return to economic growth. From Wall Street, we see the usual cheerleading, but what about you? What are the critical decisions your family should consider in the context of stewardship?

  • The more we understand what trust really is, the more we’ll be able to confidently walk out His will. Like many other principles in the Christian life, trust doesn’t just happen; it’s a learned experience.

  • There is no sorrow so great that God cannot somehow use it to bring forth a blessing.

  • For the first time since the American Civil War, all serious-minded Christians in America are being forced to choose between God’s Law and man’s law.

  • Although we know that we have been freed from the Law and the “observances” of new moons, feasts etc., there is still value in understanding the roots of the Feasts.

  • As America systematically removes God from society, Germany can be seen as a bellwether nation when it comes to predicting the future of America.

  • God doesn’t want us to just have a revelation of Christ, He wants us to be a reproduction of Christ. Being reflections of His image, therefore, is the purpose of our lives!

  • As we watch the world descend further and further into darkness, and as the Christian community wonders when God is going to judge America, we would do well to study the dynamics of how God treats His own people during His ordered times of judgment.

  • Isaiah 53 describes the astonishing personal sacrifice that is the fulcrum—the pivot—of the entire cosmic drama. However, it is the personal aspect of this passage that grips our soul.

  • Competition over energy resources is not a recent development. Almost as soon as oil was discovered, it became a contested commodity.

  • God loves us so very much that He wants us freed—and this freedom comes only by constantly renewing our minds—moment by moment putting off all the things in our flesh that are “not of faith” and putting on Christ.

  • The signers of the Declaration of Independence were certain that war would bring untold suffering and sacrifice at every level, but there was a prize worthy of giving their all—Liberty.

  • There is a disturbing trend in today’s military to incrementally marginalize a soldier’s faith, particularly Christian faith. American military leaders didn’t always feel this way…

  • Everyone who has called on the name of Jesus Christ for their own salvation now has an irrevocable calling upon their new life, which compels them to take the Gospel to the world around them.

  • God’s Love has not only saved our marriage, it has turned it around to where it’s a hundred times better than it ever was—even when we were first married.

  • The fight against parental rights has been going on for fifty years and will continue until nations realize that the relationship between a parent and child is not one instituted and protected by the State, but by God.

  • Is Rome actually moving the religious world toward a definite revelation, a momentous disclosure concerning extraterrestrial intelligence that will impact the religion of Christianity?

  • The powers of the world seek to twist God’s Word to their own purposes and persecute those who view the Bible as saying what it means and meaning what it says.

  • Since God has the technology to create us in the first place, He certainly has the technology to get a message to us. But how does He authenticate His message?