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    This is the second article in a series of articles written to exhort you, Gracious Reader, to guard (keep) your heart and to provide tools for doing so.
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    Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you. - Proverbs 4:23-24 Failure to take seriously the advice and admonition of this verse leads to several diagnoses – heartache, heartbreak, hard-heartedness, faintheartedness, and the like.
  • Voting
    This article puts the “personal” in Personal Update. Neither a Bible study nor a research paper, I hope to introduce to you, Gracious Reader, my framework and approach regarding voting and elections.
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    Before sitting down to write this article, I checked on social media to find out what was on my friends’ minds. One faithful friend of Koinonia House – TL from Brazil – posted just four words: “Time to Equip Ourselves.” Thank you TL.
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    • How do we separate reliable information from unreliable information?
    • How can we determine what is relevant evidence supporting a position and what is superfluous?
    • What is the difference between evidentiary burden and persuasive burden?
    • How does the quantum of proof differ in the court of public opinion from the court of competent jurisdiction?
    • What is evidential apologetics versus pre-suppositional apologetics?
    • How does the Bible sharpen our discernment?

    Join Chris Corlett as he explores these questions while addressing Critical Think

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    The headlines overwhelm both mind and heart. Any abridged recounting of these issues is unnecessary for you Gracious Reader – you are already nodding your head and reflecting on the issue(s) freshest to you.
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    Thank you, Ron and Marcie Matsen, for traveling to upstate New York as a part of Koinonia House Connection. Ron presented a two-part seminar titled Evidence for the Exodus, following Biblical markers and finding evidence to substantiate the historical events of the Exodus ...
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    The first chapter of John’s Gospel using only one verse summarizes the birth and the early years of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.
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    Last month’s article On Acceptance received by far the greatest number of email responses for which its author is grateful.2 A sample (with minor edits) of these emails follows:...
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    As each new year arrives, I take a strategic look ahead and consider what challenges the upcoming twelve months hold. I do not rely on proprietary intelligence or any “thus sayeth the Lord” insight. Rather from a daily commitment during the previous year to being a son of Issachar, I strive to gain an “understanding of the times” and “knowledge of what ought to be done.”
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    “Freely you have received, freely give.” Many of you will read this article between the American holiday of Thanksgiving and the worldwide holiday of Christmas, both days of being thankful and generous.
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    The word “fascism” is ubiquitous in today’s headlines and rhetoric. On August 25, 2022, media outlets reported on a speech by American President Joe Biden.
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    I write this article from the 11th floor of the King Solomon Hotel in Jerusalem during the final days of the K-House/B.A.S.E. Tour of Israel.
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    When a parent approaches me about tutoring a child struggling in mathematics, I often hear something like, “I know how to do it. I just cannot seem to explain it.”
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    The spring of 2022 brought several above-the-fold news stories about social media and corporate policy. Many of these stories continue to develop and the following provides a few key moments to establish a record for each reader of this article to consider...
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    Earlier this year, multiple media outlets reported John Bel Edwards as governor of Louisiana on January 4, 2022, granted a full pardon to Homer Plessy. Plessy was the plaintiff in the case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) in the late 1890s which upheld as constitutional the doctrine of “separate but equal.”
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    Each January, the unwritten stories of the upcoming year offer promise of a fresh start and an expectation that accompanies the new and uncertain. As a public high school mathematics teacher and tennis coach for over twenty years, each new class or team had this same vibe...
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    Luke records in the twenty-first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles a scandalous incident involving Paul in Jerusalem. “(T)he Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, crying out, ‘Men of Israel, help!
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    The headlines during the summer months of 2021 cover the full range of human experiences – from natural disasters to man-made horrors. Tracking each story line proves both a daunting and discouraging task.
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    This author previously wrote on correspondence truth which requires that truth must correspond to reality. The truth, or the falsity of a statement, depends on whether the statement accurately describes the world and its properties.
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    Disagreement flourishes in today’s conversations and captions. Whether a lengthy and healthy exchange or a short and summary epitaph, no end to provocative and polarizing rhetoric is in view.
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    In choosing teaching as a career and mathematics as my discipline, the objectivity and certainty of solving equations or evaluating expressions appealed to me. To adapt a phrase from the 1970‘s that I expect will be familiar to my readers, “When Pythagoras talks, people listen!”
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    In Critical Thinking the dual components of evidence and persuasion take prominent place in organizing or analyzing any position or claim. While evidence serves as the building blocks of any argument, persuasion operates as the mortar which connects and holds together each brick...
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    Forbes reported last year that some sixty-five (65%) percent of adult Americans— 164 million people—have made New Year’s resolutions. The top five categories for New Year’s Resolutions in America are as follows...
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    “There are two burdens every aspiring critical thinker must consider when making or evaluating an argument—the evidentiary burden and the persuasive burden.“
  • Creepy bedroom
    From the first family to your family, a threat lurks for every child. Genesis 4 fails to record the reaction of either Adam or Eve upon hearing that one son (Cain) killed another son (Abel).
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    Historic divisions within the church are well documented. Arminianism versus Calvinism; Pre-millennialism versus Post-millennialism; Protestantism versus Catholicism are among the more prominent ones.
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    In 2005, Koinonia House launched the Koinonia Institute fulfilling a dream of Chuck Missler to promote Biblical literacy among 21st century Christians. In the past, Koinonia Institute had 3 basic levels of membership, each with its own cost:
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    “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” This verse underscores that the mere acquisition and accumulation of facts is insufficient to understand the times in which we live and (with that understanding) to know what to say and how to behave.
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    “You are what you eat!” We have all heard this adage at one time or another. Its early uses suggested a link between proper nutrition and good health.