Displaying 1 - 30 of 98
  • Article
    What is an Explorer? An explorer is a person who investigates something they are unfamiliar with. It is a term that does not carry with it the sense of academic achievement, public recognition, or formal accreditation.
  • Israel
    Christians are not called to a monastic lifestyle of isolation but to be a member of a living body of Believers with Jesus Christ as the Head. Jesus highlighted that fact when He told His disciples...
  • God With Us
    he birth of Jesus Christ, he declares that the angel of the Lord announced that this Son would be called both “JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins,” and “Immanuel, which is translated, ‘God with us.’”
  • Bridging the Gap
    You don’t have to look very far to see the fabric of society being irreparably torn apart. As these apparent bridgeless gaps appear, they represent the boundaries that define an ever-fragmented world.
  • Elijah and the prophets of Baal
    Not all evil comes dressed in red and carrying a pitchfork. Sorcerers use subtlety to mask their true intentions.
  • Spiritual Warfare
    My blood boils when I witness an unchecked wrong going uncorrected and unpunished. When I hear of people being deceived by those who should know better, my anger fills me like a boiling torrent. If I hear of the ignorant willingly becoming both deaf and dumb, I want to stamp my feet and shout at the top of my lungs. As I helplessly watch the innocent suffer without the opportunity to cry out, I want to do something, anything, to stop their needless agony.
  • Give Us Barabbas
    Sometimes, I find it hard to understand the thought process people must go through to make their illogical choices. It seems there is a willful disconnect between choice and consequence. Driven by a kind of data-free decision-making, they seem to launch themselves over the barriers of evidence into the free fall of blind passion.
  • Leadership for the End Times
    In the turbulent times we find ourselves in, good Christian leadership becomes paramount. The Biblical teachings provide us with timeless wisdom and guidance on how to lead effectively, especially in challenging and uncertain periods.
  • Jebel Al-Lawz, Saudi Arabia
    What is your expectation when you think of this book? Is it a legalistic legacy from the Law or maybe just a relic of the Hebrew ritualistic worship of their God?
  • Amazon
    In addition to our website on store.khouse.org, Koinonia House launched an additional materials outlet on Amazon in 2016.
  • KHouse 50 Years
    For five decades, Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, has been producing and distributing materials that are meant to encourage and facilitate the serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.
  • Son of My Right Hand
    What’s in a name? In most western cultures, parents name their children after many different reasons. Perhaps to honor a loved one, or someone famous, or simply to give their child their own unique identity. In the times of the Old Testament, Hebrew names carried more than just a phonetic grouping of letters that gave a pleasant sound, it carried a meaning.
  • Israel
    Nothing could have prepared us for the horrors that we were about to witness on the morning of 7 October. As the news services began to report the terrifying attack on innocent Israeli citizens, our hearts were filled with anguish as we considered the seriousness of the situation.
  • KHouse US Staff 2023
    I believe that the value of one’s personal legacy is measured by the number of people you have helped in Christ during your lifetime. C.T. Stud put it this way, “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
  • Product

    The Acts of the Apostles is a valuable history of the early Christian church. Acts was written in Greek, and although the author does not name himself, evidence outside the Scriptures and inferences from the book itself lead to the conclusion that the author was Luke. The gospel of Luke concludes where Acts begins, namely, with Christ’s Ascension into heaven. After an introductory account of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles at Pentecost, Luke pursues as a central theme the spread of Christianity to the Gentile world under the guiding inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

  • Product

    Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible–such as global disasters (Mt 24), the rise of the global super-state, the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek 38-39)–“deception and apostasy in the church” is listed more times than any other end-time “sign of the times.”

    Are we currently living in the Age of Apostasy? Ron Matsen explores the evidence and causes of apostasy and provides an antidote for apostasy in this timely study.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teaching.

    © 2012 Koinonia House Inc.

  • Product

    For salvation, Man must understand the purpose and power of the Bible. But how do we explain our faith? If we only rely on our personal experience to explain our faith, we are no different than any other religious mystic.

    • Can the Bible be trusted or has it been corrupted over time?
    • How do we defend the Bible as the inerrant Word of God?
    • What does the Bible reveal about God and us?

    Join Ron Matsen as he examines and explores the origins, attributes, validity, and transforming power of God’s Word.

  • Product

    The beginning of a person’s reconciliation with God is their recognition of God. The argument for and against the existence of God has raged for ages. Yet proving the existence of God is an understanding that comes from an “aggregate of thoughts” knit together with “summary logic.”

  • Product

    What does the Bible have to say about the End Times? Matthew’s Gospel records the warning of Jesus where He said, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” The apostle Paul expands on this by stating; “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.”

  • Product
    • Are we alone on this planet Earth?
    • Has mankind been in contact with Extraterrestrial beings?
    • What does the Bible have to say about this?

    Ron Matsen brings some new insights to this highly disputed subject, with over 25 years in the aerospace industry.

  • Product

    The institution of marriage was created by God before the fall of man. Genesis 2:24 tells us “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

  • Product

    The attack on the Biblical family unit has never been greater. The pervasive influences of secular philosophy, psychology and sociology, have driven the traditional family unit to the brink of extinction. Like a spiritual tsunami, the influences of modern moral relativism are rapidly eroding the confidence of many Christians in Biblical foundational truths concerning marriage, family, and parenting.

  • Product

    The Bible tells us that “children are a blessing from the Lord.” As such, parents are given the awesome responsibility of raising them in the fear and knowledge of God. The world would like to convince Christian parents to stop influencing their children, with regards to Biblical standards of living. Their motto is to “let the child make up their own mind.” The world wants your children, and it will take them from you whenever you decide to give them up.

  • Product

    There are four basic questions that confront each of us:

    • Who am I?
    • Where did I come from?
    • Why am I here?
    • And where am I going when I die?

    Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “world view” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.

  • Product

    What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, theologians, sociologists and psychologists have attempted to understand the nature of mankind for ages. Their conclusions often contradict each other which lead to confusion rather than clarification. Clearly, Man is a very complicated social being. The Bible tells us that man is “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

  • Product

    Paul’s letters to the Corinthian Church reaches beyond this troubled fellowship of believers in the first century down to the modern church today. He brought to balance the issues associated with spiritual freedom and spiritual unity, discipline and love, spiritual gifts and spiritual living. He addressed the confusion of the bodily resurrection of Jesus and the future resurrection of His followers. These challenging teachings are aimed at the serious student of the Bible.

    This study contains 27 Sessions of verse by verse teachings by Ron Matsen.

    Copyright © 2023

  • Product

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

    Because of its emphasis on "the Love of God" and Jesus' being the incarnation of that Love, many believe this gospel is the most important for new and old Christians alike to take to heart. Written by the "disciple whom Jesus loved", the book of John is organized around seven miracles, seven discourses and seven "I AM" statements. This study is so deep "an elephant can bathe in it, and yet an infant can wade in it."

  • Product

    Under close examination, the Book of Joshua seems to be a precursor to the book of Revelation: another Yehoshua, as Commander-in-Chief, will dispossess the Planet Earth of its usurpers -- first sending in two witnesses, then with a series of judgments of sevens, finally defeating the kings with signs in the sun and moon while the kings of the earth all hide in caves. What does the name "Joshua" mean?

    This study contains 12 Sessions of verse by verse teachings by Ron Matsen.

    Copyright © 2009

  • Product

    Are “leadership skills” only something for a select few or can everyone benefit from understanding what the Bible says about leadership?

    What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times?

    How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends and within your community?

  • Product

    Matthew presents Jesus Christ as the Jesus as the Meshiach Nagid, the Messiah the King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. It was written by a Jew, to Jews, about a Jew. This book of the Bible uses more Old Testament quotes than any other. The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the saying of Jesus, including ten parables not found in any other Gospel. After first establishing the royal genealogy, he then goes on to focus on the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

    This study contains 56 Sessions of verse by verse teachings by Ron Matsen.