I believe that the value of one’s personal legacy is measured by the number of people you have helped in Christ during your lifetime. C.T. Stud put it this way, “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
During the afternoon of 16 October, I received a call from the K-House account manager telling me that one of our employees had passed away during the weekend. Paul Brand’s passing ended a lifetime of selfless service to the Kingdom of Christ.

At K-House, Paul was the go-to guy for more than 28 years. If you wanted something done, you enlisted Paul, and you knew that it would get done. He was the epitome of silent, faithful servitude. During the late 1990s, Paul’s primary role was to video record Chuck Missler’s Tuesday night Bible studies. During these early years, video was not seen as the prime source of ministry material for K-House, so Paul’s one-man effort often took a back seat to other media projects. After all, VHS tape duplication was both cumbersome and costly. Radio was king, which meant that the ministry could run on the audio capture of Chuck’s teachings alone. Therefore, at that time, no one really thought that videos of Chuck were all that essential.
Subsequently, Paul would sometimes spend his own money to buy the tapes for these Missler studies. He compounded this difficulty by insisting on making backups of each session, which doubled the cost of archiving these visual presentations. Little did anyone know that this undervalued library would become the priceless treasure trove of the Chuck Missler videos we have today.
As we rolled into the Twenty-First Century, the Christian media world woke up to the power and accessibility of video material. Most households now had a DVD player, and DVD reproduction was much more cost-efficient than VHS tapes. Because of Paul’s tireless preemptive efforts, KHouse was already locked and loaded with many Missler presentations available on this new educational media. Thousands of people around the world could now not only hear Chuck teach but see him and his notes.
With the rapid emergence of online streaming came another quantum leap in digital distribution of teaching materials available through K-House. In 2012, Koinonia House began a YouTube channel that offered many popular video teachings for free.
Over the next ten years, subscriptions grew to over 200,000. Today this one site sees more than 37 million views per year, which results in more than 10 million hours of watched content per year. These online videos are also the teaching content used by our free Koinonia Institute, which now has more than 30,000 registered participants.
In addition to his work with video, Paul also produced all the audiobooks of Chuck Missler’s commentaries. These audio teachings are available through the online streaming service Audible and by download at khouse.org. This has now resulted in more than 6,000 audiobooks being downloaded each month.
Who could have known that behind this plethora of teaching was, in part, the faithful and unseen work of Paul Brand? An unsung hero whose life’s legacy most likely impacted the faith of millions worldwide. May his reward be great as he stands before his Savior Jesus Christ, as he hears Him say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”
The People’s Feedback
A few days after Paul’s passing, KHouse posted the above tribute on our YouTube channel (Koinonia House). Below are just some of the comments posted:
@Tillettforct Thank you for sharing this tribute to whom we viewers and students of Chuck Missler and the K House Ministries didn’t know but have been eternally blessed by his hard dedicated work. We say prayers for his family and friends who are missing him during this time while you celebrate his promotion to heaven.
@appaloosa42 My prayers of thanks added for his faithfulness to the Spirit’s promptings!
@niquidasilva5051 Thank the LORD for Paul Brand, to bring us our daily bread.
@wmelliott3802 Paul sure was a foot soldier of God and had the for sight to see that videoing Chucks Sermons and teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would be priceless.
@joshuamitchell5481 What a blessing such a man has been to the body of Christ. His great wisdom has blessed us all.
@j._7054 I just found this channel last night, and have started the “learn the Bible in 24 hours” series. Thank you Paul for your efforts, now my wife, father and I can learn from these teachings as well. Rest in peace.
@deliefiore How wonderful ! I’m so thankful for Paul Brand’s ministry as he served so faithfully. A great hero of our faith.
@jonathanpatterson2502 Thank you Paul for your service to Gods kingdom. You’re journey is done but the fruits of your labor are still paying dividends here on earth! What a legacy!
@mackjones8934 It seems that if it weren’t for this man I e never heard of, I’d never have seen a Chuck Missler video. Thank you sir. Very much.
@SoundWave209 God Bless, may he kneel before the throne and worship at the feet of our Lord
@jacob.tudragens Thank you, Koinonia House, for bringing us the teachings of Chuck Missler and many other great teachers! They have helped us, with His grace, to help others understand! Thank you, Paul Brand, for your selfless dedication and your gift of discerning the importance of Chuck’s messages! The understanding of the word that I have gained from your work leaves me greatly in your debt! Thank you, Chuck, for dedicating your life to understanding God’s word and for teaching in a way that made me want to learn for myself. Though we disagree on many side issues, due to my personal search for truth, your teachings have benefited me greatly, and I appreciate it! Thank you, my dearest Heavenly Father, for sending your people into the world and for giving us the grace to understand, if but a little, your word and your heart!
@kariqualters5908 What an amazing legacy!!! My life, and I’m sure millions of others, has been so greatly blessed by Chucks teaching and I would have never known anything of Chuck Missler without these YouTube videos!!! What a debt of gratitude we all owe to this man who had the great foresight and dedication to preserve Chucks teachings!! My heart goes out to his loved ones and I hope they will read these comments and be comforted by the multitude of people who’s lives have been impacted by Paul. Much love to all....
@ScottJohnson-lc6xh Thank you Paul. The work you did for Koinonia and, ultimately, the kingdom of our Lord was immeasurable. “Well done!”
@psalmkydland9070 There are so many out there like him, and I thank God for you all
@oldhollywoodbriar Well done Paul, strong work brother.
@oif3gunner RIP! Chuck and his team helped bring me to Jesus and I am forever grateful! RIP Paul and thank you.
@emth777 I’m also Very Grateful as many of the videos/teachings have helped me immensely on my journey to Christ Jesus, our saviour, my Lord and my God. He is working in our lives always and through others, like Paul long before we seek him, so we can be saved. The video and teachings will continue to impact many more lives into the future. Glory to God in the highest
@akwasipoku-cy9xl My condolences to the entire family and k house media
@asitiswritten Praise God! The teachings of Chuck Missler really helped ignite a passion for sharing the gospel in me and reinvigorated my faith after my father passed away.
@womanofthunder993 RIP sir you have helped raise up many in this end time. What a treasure. I thank you. For your great service to the body. Blessings and condolences to your family and friends ,️
@GraftBranch Thanks you so much for your hard faithful work! I’m sure it has blessed many and will continue to bless many more with Chuck missler’s words. See you on the other side brother.
@mathewflores550 Thank you and well done good and faithful servant! May you be blessed in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ!
@JustinD1776 His efforts have changed my life and my family. Thank you Paul, Chuck, and the KHouse Team!
@jefreagan Still watching Chuck daily in learning about the Word. SO blessed his messages were recorded so well! God bless the Koinonia House and Institute.️
@janicefrantz1831 We can’t see how the Lord is working in the little things. Turns out, they weren’t so little... a beautiful lesson. God bless this man, and k house.
@averagejoe469 A mightily used man of GOD. Prayers for his family and friends. We’ll all meet again at the wedding feast.
@christineh4782 Prayers for his family, loved ones, and everyone at Khouse who will miss him. Thank you for giving him a lovely tribute.
@johnnewkirk2986 Prayers for comfort
@kennycarneal6765 Thank you Paul Brand! I have learned so much from Chuck’s teaching. I hope they leave it here after We leave.
@kellynelson2071 Thank you for your obedience and your service. Traveling mercies and God Bless you Paul
@dellhoward8350 His vision changed my life!
@AnthonyGrubbM What a guy! Author Philip Yancey also has an unsung and visionary hero in his life and work named Paul Brand, who was a medical doctor. Beautiful coincidence!
@lovewordemissaries9231 Our hero rest from your labors
@rawdikulus1 I have been a fan of this ministry for almost 20yrs. Thanks to Paul, Chuck, Nancy, and all who have contributed!
@krisaniel3807 May God reward him richly for his diligent service. I am so thankful for the work he did.
@user-kz5iv2jz6e I’m am sorry to hear about the loss of Paul Brand but what a servant he was. I am one of those whose life has been blessed by your YouTube ministry! We know he will surly hear those word spoken... there is no way to count the multitude of viewers life’s that have been changed. Gods blessing to all of you.
@str82gsus76 Praising God for a race run well! I have been with Koinonia House for over 2 decades…so very grateful for all the faithful men and women in this organization!
@deesymons8545 Amen His rewards are now overflowing in glory Amen sir Love and prayers from Queensland, Australia
@angiewakaba Chuck Missler got me to take my bible seriously. Rest well Paul...you ran your race and fought the good fight.
@cj-tq5mt Wow! Praise Jesus! So many had a part of my growth in the Word of God’s teaching. The Holy Spirit thru Chuck Missler and Khouse has had an exponential impact on my spirits growth and I couldn’t be more thankful for all the great and little sacrifices everyone endured so that would be possible. Thank you My Lord Jesus and thank you Mr Paul. To all at Khouse for keeping us filled! May God’s goodness and mercy follow all of you for all of your days.
@Say-Hello-yall Love this! He did me a great service because I was saved because of Mr. Missler, L-House and now I know it was because of Mr. Brand. Thank you to all involved and rest in paradise with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
@angiewhitlock9818 What an absolute blessing I can imagine he heard “well done my good and faithful servant “
@jeffreyjohnston2445 I watch probably 3 or 4 videos a week of Chuck Missler’s presentations. A good and faithfull servant indeed. Vale.
@kendimonceaux816 RIP Chuck & Paul! So glad these teachings are still around and have helped me so much!
@JesusChristisgreat-pj6nd Enjoy Glory my brother
@konjuer Prayers of comfort to his family. I thank him, I truly do. I thank everyone who has a hand in this ministry. May God bless the Brand family during his absence.
@DeWaltManZ My prayers go out to his friends and family as well as the staff at KHouse.
@deliaengelbrecht4658 Rest in Perfect Peace Paul and You are joining Chuck and Nancy up there
@jayagusto9409 Thank you.
@robdunn595 There are many parts of the body but only one body. We can all know Chuck because of Paul’s work for Christ. His legacy is only just begun in these days we now live in! Shalom Shalom
@dennis1802 Thanks for this from Holland I enjoyed those films greatly
@FatT45 He has impacted my life and keeps me praising all through work while I listen to Chuck at work! Can’t wait to meet Mr Brand one day in Heaven and thank him for his tireless work as well as Chuck himself! These two have allowed me to learn the real truth and history about the Bible that my near degree lied to me about!
@faroutmydude5965 My heart was deeply touched by this backstory on Paul whom ive never heard of or considered.. im literally glued to much of K-Houses video recordings of the late Chuck Missler and befor i form a bible study and/or opinion on a biblical matter i always want to hear what Missler had to say on the matter. Thank you Paul, for being apart of my growing and maturation in Christ our Kingsman Redeemer and Friend.. thank you so much. Well done Sir.
@davidgood7621 A good man under God’s will.
@bluewaterSTAX RIP Mr Brand
@LemonAvenger What a beautiful testimony ️
@vannessaledbetter280 Thank you. May Our Heavenly Father continue to richly bless you, your families and this life changing ministry.
@celloman78 May our Lord and Savior keep him in his grace, and comfort his family.
@hunnymccann9349 Rest in Eternal Peace Paul Brand thank you so much for your foresight in preserving the studies of Chuck Missler which are needed in these days ️
@kkfjkf2099 Throughout the pandemic lockdowns-many times, more than I can count, I sat alone vocally, “GIVING THANKS TO THE ️LORD️ for the “audio-visual technicians” working behind the scenes who made the Chuck Missler content available.” Now, I that I know, it was the honorable Mr. Brand️, I SING ️GLORY2GOD️ for Mr. Paul Brand and his faithful, steadfast, and unwavering work that introduced me to the GREATEST Bible teacher [Chuck Missler] ever! Mr. Brand’s commitment to excellence and dedication to the ministry allowed me to feed on the WORD; continue to grow in the knowledge of God and kept me from despair due to the pandemic isolation. I wish I could write out my profound GRATITUDE and express THE HIGHEST PRAISE the way my spirit experiences it. Nevertheless, I’m shouting HALLELUJAH️ GLORY TO GOD️ for️ Mr. Brand’s ️life and legacy. ️THANK YOU, LORD for YOUR Ministry through Koinonia️ House! Grace and Peace be multiplied unto K-House!
@InThyWord We thank God for Paul’s life. His service truly was a blessing to many.
@suzannedebusschere1607 What a wonderful legacy, and so valuable! I will say that I still enjoy the audio teachings. Many are posted on YouTube with just a picture and no video, and that’s fine. I still appreciate them. But all of the resources available are great!
@BrendaBruce-bl3hm Amen, blessings upon blessings still adding up! Thank u for showing me a brother I will one day soon meet and be forever thankful to him for his tireless obedience. I could only hope to attain 1 percent of such an acquirement!
@robertem31 Priceless. Thank You
@lilylonestar Thank you so much for all your efforts ️ See you at the marriage supper of the Lamb!
@cynthiamorgan4004 We have been the recipients of Chuck Missler teachings for well over 13years. His solid doctrine and teachings have kept us strong in the Lord Jesus, and those we were privileged to pass his teaching videos on to. Thank you Paul for the vital role you played. We will meet in glory.
@dianeandrews6764 I would wholeheartedly echo ‘well done good and faithful servant’! For we all understand the pleasure we find in admiring the good work performed by roofing tiles. But little do we appreciate the roofing structure even thought hidden from sight performs an invaluable task of holding up those roofing tiles!
@WildBranch3 Thank you Paul, Thank you Koinonia and Thank you Chuck, forever grateful for every lesson.
@mgossett5479 Praise God for this man!!!
@bittersweet2253 Thanks for sharing.
@shevawnbasye7404 I’m grateful for Mr. Brand’s hard work so that many could hear Dr Missler’s teaching.
@flemingstephen16 What a legacy! I am incredibly thankful to this man and didn’t even know it. Started going through Mr. Missler’s teachings this past year for the first time. Well done, Paul Brand. Thank you for your servant heart. Enjoy His presence now!
@1mceternatee Thank you Paul Brand
@jesusbeloved3953 I believe in eternity the people who will receive the greatest honors from our Lord will be those like Paul Brand. Men and women who did their jobs because the work was there to do. God assigned them a position and they made it a calling, a testament of love. Thank You, Lord for people such as Paul Brand!
@hawkhollar1228 God is great for sure. With his always perfect plan and perfect timing for us all. Paul will be dearly missed.
@mariusboonzaier519 Let him be an example to all of us.
@erinsmart8422 His efforts certainly had an impact on my return to right relationship w Jesus. Thanks Paul! RIP ️
@user-no5pm2uv1v Beautiful. God, thank you for this brother. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve benefited from this man as well and from brother Chuck.