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  • True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.

  • There is a figure of merit in optics regarding “resolving power.” If you look at a star with a cheap telescope, you will see a bright spot. If you look at that same star with very high-quality optics, you may discover that that ostensible spot is actually a double star.

  • Last month we began a new series called The Kingdom, Power and Glory. As was stated in that first article, Chuck and I are convinced that the truths contained in this series “are some of the most life-changing principles we’ve encountered since our new births.”

  • While watching the media coverage of bus loads of angry Americans protesting in front of AIG headquarters and executives’ homes, another historical political diversion came to mind—Nero feeding Christians to the lions in giant public spectacles as the unwitting victims of Nero’s accusations.

  • On May 29th (the 6th of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar) the Jews will celebrate Hag HaShavuot, the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost. This comes from Leviticus 23:16, which points to “the morrow after the seventh sabbath” after the Feast of First Fruits (thus, 50 days—in Greek, pentecost.)

  • John must have been puzzled. Exiled to the lonely island of Patmos, he has just begun to receive what will become known as the most elevated vision of things to come given to any person in the history of planet earth.

  • Now we have the AIG bonuses and other outrages. Every-one is scratching their heads; others cry outrage and some dare to proclaim “immorality.” The lies, untruths and half truths and the greed are profound.

  • Did you know that Daniel Webster, the famous 1800s statesman, was a born-again Christian? He was also known as a brilliant scholar who gave the most eloquent speeches ever delivered in Congress. One evening he was invited to lecture a group of congressmen.

  • David Wilkerson once said: “If I am not Christ-like at heart—if I’m not becoming noticeably more like Him—then I have totally missed God’s purpose for my life. It doesn’t matter what I accomplish for His kingdom. If I miss this one purpose, I have lived, preached and yes, striven in vain.”

  • Dame Isabel Piczek—a Hungarian trained particle physicist and internationally renowned monumental artist—has apparently uncovered hard, scientific evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, rise from the dead.

  • The Book of Ephesians is the first of Paul’s “prison epistles” and is considered by many scholars to be the most majestic of all the epistles. Ephesians teaches the doctrine of Ecclesiology.

  • In only a matter of months, tens of millions of Americans have seen their investments, retirements, life savings, home values, and employment decimated, or even evaporate completely before their eyes. Some are expecting that the worst is yet to come.

  • God’s basic purpose for our lives as Christians is to be “conformed into the image of Christ.” (Romans 8:29) Why? So that we can then reflect His character and His image to others and bear godly “fruit” (good works). John 15:16 says, “I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain.”

  • For the past seven years, a German experiment just south of Hanover—the GEO600—has been searching for gravitational waves: ripples in space-time thrown off by super-dense astronomical objects such as neutron stars and black holes. GEO600 has not detected any gravitational waves so far, but it might have inadvertently made the most important discovery in physics for half a century.

  • Having spent the better part of last year going through our series on “Reflecting God’s Image,” the lesson we’ve learned is that as Christians we have been created for God and His purposes. And only when we align ourselves with those purposes, will we ever be fulfilled and able to glorify Him.

  • This month many of us may avail ourselves of the opportunity to celebrate our loved ones with a traditional remembrance. It is also an appropriate time to remind ourselves that you and I are the recipients of the ultimate “valentine.” It was written in blood on a wooden cross that was erected in Judea almost 2,000 years ago. And yet it was interlaced throughout the history of mankind with a scarlet thread of promises.

  • Recent fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has prompted much speculation about the future of the “peace process.” How will it affect U.S.-Israeli relations? Will it be a repeat of the disastrous month-long war with Hezbollah? Is it motivated by security concerns or political motives?

  • The financial debacle we’ve all been plunged into was brought about by two bubbles: the real estate bubble and the associated credit bubble. A choreography of fiscal lunacy is well summarized in a New York Times article by Michael Lewis and David Einhorn:

  • Continuing our series on reflecting Christ’s image, you can see that abiding in the Lord and spiritual warfare must go hand in hand. Abiding in His presence involves companionship, communion, fellowship, mutual delight and decision making; whereas, spiritual warfare involves being a watchman on the wall protecting this relationship and always keeping an eye on the health of our soul.

  • Ezekiel was one of the most fascinating and mystical prophets of the Old Testament. He was held captive with King Jehoiachin in the second of three deportations under Nebuchadnezzar, years before Jerusalem was overthrown. Daniel, who had been in Babylon years before Ezekiel arrived, is mentioned three times.