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  • The deceit of audacity defines a new battlefront in the U.S. border security and immigration debate. The Governor of the U.S. state of Arizona, Jan Brewer, had the “audacity” on April 23, 2010 to sign into law Senate Bill (SB) 1070—a bill that declared a person found in the United States illegally would also be considered “illegal” in the state of Arizona.

  • As 2010 dawned, the spirit of “change” in America was palpable. In previous articles, we have discussed many reasons for our attention and our concern. There is one topic; however, we have yet to put to print—U.N.American Education—the un-American infiltration of the United Nations agenda in the American classroom.

  • Even though the U.S. federal government’s tax revenue has more than tripled since 1965, the budget deficit will top $1.6 trillion in 2010. This spending hike would push spending to $36,000 per household by 2020. Obviously, something has to be done to reverse this trend.

  • “Finishing Well” is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler—a 1st century “yuppie” if you will—who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

  • Before we go further in our series on The Kingdom, Power and Glory, it’s important we again visit the topic of “overcoming,” as we stress this subject so often throughout these articles.

  • There are more Bible passages pronouncing judgment on the Edomites than on any other nation.1 But who are they? What relevance do they have for us today? As diligent students of the Word of God, it is essential for us to understand who they are and what eschatological implications they may have on our present geopolitical horizon.

  • Continuing our series on The Kingdom, Power and Glory, we learned last month that as a result of the Judgment Seat of Christ, there will be two kinds of inheritance.

  • On February 14th, as China prepared to welcome in the Chinese New Year, their Year of the Tiger, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao warned of the challenges that lay ahead in 2010.

  • Contrary to media reports, intelligent design is not a religious-based idea, but instead an evidence-based scientific theory about life’s origins—one that challenges strictly materialistic views of evolution.

  • The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is part of the Bill of Rights as ratified on December 15, 1791.

  • Tony Blair made headlines in March with his announcement that he set his eyes on the U.S. as the focus of the expansion efforts of his Faith Foundation. For Blair, this “faith offensive” is a logical move considering the lack of support his foundation has received back home in Britain. For the U.S., it represents a giant leap forward in the ecumenical and interfaith movements.

  • Each Easter season we celebrate the series of injustices that led to the conviction of the innocent and the acquittal of the guilty. There were six trials that fateful night: three Jewish trials— before Annas, before Caiaphas, and before the Sanhedrin; and three Roman trials—before Pilate, before Herod, and then again before Pilate.

  • The night Jesus was betrayed closed a long, full day after His final Passover meal with His disciples. In the Garden of Gethsemane that same night, Jesus endured a terrible emotional and spiritual ordeal in prayer before His Father.

  • In this article, we are going to cover some very controversial issues—issues that probably will go against some of your “traditional views”—so we encourage you, first of all, to be open and receive the Word with a readiness of mind, but then, check everything out in Scripture.

  • For many years we have been following the conventional view of Ezekiel 38 and 39, the ill-fated invasion attempt of Magog and its allies, notably Iran. With the growing tensions between Iran—as an ostensible nuclear power—and Israel, these passages are the subject of much current discussion and debate.

  • The rise of Europe, specifically the European Union (EU), has been a strategic trend of interest for decades. The EU stands as the model of regionalization of sovereign states—a necessary step in the direction of globalization.

  • John wrote five books in the New Testament: the Gospel, these three letters, and the Book of Revelation. These letters include a sermon and two personal letters, one of which may have been written to Mary, the mother of our Lord.

  • There’s something important that you should remember as you begin to read the following. This article is part of a series. So, even though I try to review each time, it’s impossible for me to redefine every term in every article.

  • Henry Kissinger once observed, “Damascus is at one and the same time the fount of modern Arab nationalism and the exhibit of its frustrations.” He also wrote. “Syrian history alternates achievement with catastrophe.”

  • My apologies, but I could not resist the temptation to spell out something that makes about as much sense as the January reports coming from global financial leadership and economic analysts.