Displaying 61 - 90 of 390
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    Like a spiritual tsunami, the influences of modern moral relativism are rapidly eroding the confidence of many Christians in Biblical truths concerning marriage, family, and parenting.
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    In our night seasons, God is drawing us into a darkness where we’ll have no other choice but to depend totally upon Him.
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    One of the many blessings that come from intimacy is the overwhelming joy of sensing God’s presence.
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    God wants us to be “fully persuaded” that no matter what happens, He will work all things together for good.
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    As a group of believers, we are leaving our young people woefully unprepared to face a frequently hostile world once they leave the nest. When one looks around a church or a conference, many times there seems to be something missing. The Youth. It is a common complaint. Parents ask their pastor and friends, “What’s happened to my kids?”
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    In our haste to be “like Jesus,” many of us have forgotten the first basic step of the Christian life, which is to know the extent and the depth of god’s love for us personally.
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    No matter where we live in the world or whatever generation God has chosen to place us, we will experience financial uncertainty. Thank goodness for timeless divinely inspired Scriptures that tell us how to live.
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    When we choose to follow our own feelings and desires over God’s will, we quench His Spirit in us. This, then, blocks His Love not only from flowing through us to others, but also hinders us from experiencing His Love personally.
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    How we handle financial turmoil will either build us up in Christ or demonstrate our spiritual flabbiness. How are Christians called to live in a society characterized as hostile to our beliefs, pushing an immoral agenda, high rate of taxation, anti-Israel posture and an intrusive, unstable government that stirs tension between religious groups?
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    Worship is critical because it’s the key to God’s presence. It’s what brings us intimacy with the Father; worship is a two-way communication.
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    What does it mean to “abide in Him” or to “abide in the Spirit”? Abiding means remaining in, staying in, dwelling in or continuing in the Holy Place. It means staying in the Lord’s presence. It means continuing to worship Him and be fruit bearers to others.
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    The expectation among media outlets is for a return to economic growth. From Wall Street, we see the usual cheerleading, but what about you? What are the critical decisions your family should consider in the context of stewardship?
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    The more we understand what trust really is, the more we’ll be able to confidently walk out His will. Like many other principles in the Christian life, trust doesn’t just happen; it’s a learned experience.
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    There is no sorrow so great that God cannot somehow use it to bring forth a blessing.
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    God doesn’t want us to just have a revelation of Christ, He wants us to be a reproduction of Christ. Being reflections of His image, therefore, is the purpose of our lives!
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    God loves us so very much that He wants us freed—and this freedom comes only by constantly renewing our minds—moment by moment putting off all the things in our flesh that are “not of faith” and putting on Christ.
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    God’s Love has not only saved our marriage, it has turned it around to where it’s a hundred times better than it ever was—even when we were first married.
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    When at the depths of a trial, if we can respond in such a way that the situation pushes us into God’s presence, then we can expect to experience the joy of the Lord in spite of our circumstances.
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    Knowing how to make “faith choices” is saving my life. I trust Him in all of this. That’s easy to say, but “walking that out” is what I need to do right now.
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    Overcomers are those victorious ones who have learned how to master the flesh, prevail over the world and conquer the devil only through Christ’s Life in them.
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    One of the greatest proofs that we are, indeed, partakers of Christ’s Life is that we will be living and sharing His Agape Love to all we come in contact with.
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    I hope and pray that you had a very blessed Holiday Season. Truly, even with all that’s going on in many of our personal lives, and all that’s happening in our country, we still have so much to be thankful for.
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    The real test of faith comes when we can trust God even in the depths of our trials, even before the victory is realized and even before the promises are fulfilled.
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    Faith is the principle by which we obtain Christ’s Life and the means to God’s Power. It’s the foundation of our walk with the Lord. But, obedience and trust are the principles by which we live that “faith” out.
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    Faith is the means by which God’s divine power can work in our lives. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God.
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    Jesus describes both a true disciple and a nominal believer in His story or narrative about the “faithful and wise servants” in Matthew 24:42–51.
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    What exactly is a true disciple of Christ? The answer is: A true disciple has “a lifestyle alongside his belief.”
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    Jesus says that in order to live the abundant Life, we must be willing to surrender anything and everything that stands in the way of God’s Spirit working freely through us. Then, and only then, will we inherit blessings in the coming future kingdom.
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    Why is it so hard for some people to believe in God? The answers would probably be linked to personal, social, and possibly some intellectual reasons. Let’s explore this in more detail…
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    Until our souls are broken of their own strength through the Cross, they will continue to influence, lead, and direct us. Once our souls are submitted to the Cross, however, and our natural strength broken, we’ll be able to serve God as He desires, in His power and in His strength.