In the March Personal Update Newsletter, we featured a story from a former agnostic young man named Adam. It really touched hearts and the response has been fantastic.
Passport in hand, I am ready to travel again. This month I will be making my first trip to the Koinonia House New Zealand ministry base for a few weeks of prayer, strategic planning and fellowship.
A drug dealer with a pregnant girlfriend goes to jail, for stealing from Disneyland, and meets Jesus while there. Upon leaving jail he is introduced to the Bible teaching of Chuck Missler through the 66/40 radio show in Southern California.
Last month’s Personal Update article introduced the reader to “Correspondence Truth,” which requires that any truth corresponds to reality or fact(s) Bertrand Russell states, “Although truth and falsehood are properties of beliefs, they are properties dependent upon the relations of the beliefs to other things...
Proverbs 31:28 says “Her children will stand up… and bless her.” My mom deserves to be honored. Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “To love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul.” She loved this verse. She loved this verse so much that she had a license plate made that said “DEUT 6.”
In early June of 2011, my wife Marcie and I travelled to New Zealand to visit the Missler’s newly founded ministry headquarters at The River Lodge. As a Koinonia House Board Member, I had heard a lot about this new venture and wanted to see it for myself.
Our second presentation on Education opens the Tenth Annual Koinonia Institute International Strategic Perspective Conference in Coeur d’Alene Idaho later this month. To whet your appetite, I take this opportunity to briefly update on a few emerging issues from the past several months.
Natural thoughts, emotions and desires, the dictionary calls them “the movers of our soul” because what we think and feel is usually what we choose to follow.
Actor Peter Falk played homicide detective Lieutenant Columbo in each of the American television shows bearing his fictional surname. Throughout nearly six dozen episodes released during four decades beginning in the late 1960’s, Columbo refused to ignore the evidence that did not fit with the “obvious” conclusion unanimously embraced by others at the crime scene.
When we encounter various trials and tribulations, we have two choices we can make. We can either doubt the Lords Love and provision, which leads to personal confusion and spiritual devastation, or we can unconditionally trust and obey Him to an even greater degree.
At the 2014 International Strategic Perspective Conference, I introduced the idea of Education as the “everyman strategic perspective.” Our conferences provide participants with a perspective of current trends useful for planning over the next twelve to eighteen months.
Last week, The King’s High Way, invited a wonderful group of ladies to come to our beautiful facility and participate in a time of refreshing in the Word. As a body of believers we shared and encouraged one another in the faith. The theme “heavenly perspective” was on the hearts and minds of almost every woman who came.
Throughout the history of man, philosophers and theologians alike have struggled to understand the complicated nature of mankind. The Psalmist tells us simply that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
God’s supernatural power resides in every Christian, but it requires a submitted and sanctified life in order to partake of it. The outworking of that power—the fruit that is produced—is the hallmark of a true disciple.
Why do we bring up the subject of spiritual warfare? We do so because if we are going to be true worshipers of God, now more than ever before we need to be knowledgeable in the art of spiritual warfare.
This month, The King’s High Way Ministries brings back a 2005 article from Nan’s book “Private Worship—The Key to Joy.” We pray that God will bless you richly this year with the knowledge and revelation of His great grace for you.
God continually tests our faith to see if we trust Him. He continually asks us: Will you hope in Me when the unthinkable happens in your life? Will you, like Moses, hold up the Word of God when the enemy advances, or will you drop the Word and let the enemy come in like a flood?
In September, we began a new series of articles on the precious subject of “hope”—what it is, why it’s so important and how, even as believers, we can lose hope.
…but because they had never treated or operated on someone with my condition, they miraculously made an exception and took me as a training example… To be honest, I was terrified.
Hope is like a golden cord connecting us to heaven. The more we cling to this cord, the more we can allow the Lord to bear the weight of our burdens and to draw us closer to Him.
As Christians, we have God’s supernatural will and power. First He counsels us as to what His will is, then He gives us His supernatural power to perform His will in our lives.
Like a spiritual tsunami, the influences of modern moral relativism are rapidly eroding the confidence of many Christians in Biblical truths concerning marriage, family, and parenting.
As a group of believers, we are leaving our young people woefully unprepared to face a frequently hostile world once they leave the nest.
When one looks around a church or a conference, many times there seems to be something missing. The Youth. It is a common complaint. Parents ask their pastor and friends, “What’s happened to my kids?”
In our haste to be “like Jesus,” many of us have forgotten the first basic step of the Christian life, which is to know the extent and the depth of god’s love for us personally.