In our continuing review of the "Armor of God," we have been examining each of the elements listed in Ephesians 6. In this article, we will explore verse 16 in which we encounter the fourth of Paul's list of seven:
Scripture has commanded us to "put on the whole Armor of God." In recent articles, we have been exploring the various elements which make up the Armor of God as detailed in Ephesians 6:10-18. In this article we will explore our footwear:
I hope you are enjoying our series on being transformed by the renewing of our minds ( Romans 12:2). Transformation is simply an exchange of life. It means we are showing forth and manifesting Christ's Life instead of our own.
Hello again. Let's continue our series on being transformed by the renewing of our minds. For those of you who are joining us for the first time this month, We have already explored the following topics in this series: how God brings transformation about in our lives; what the word "mind" really means; and, how we "put off" the garbage in our minds and "put on" the Mind of Christ.
Last month we began a series of articles on the "Armor of God." You and I are engaged in a desperate warfare: a spiritual warfare. If we are not properly prepared, we are sitting ducks.
We have been doing a series of articles on how we can be transformed into Christ's Image by the "renewing of our minds." In our first couple of articles we explored just exactly how God brings about this transformation in our lives. Then, we took a look at "mind renewal" itself and all that it entails.
For several months now we have been exploring the importance of being "transformed by the renewing of our minds." (Romans 12:1-2) We have probed into what exactly our minds are, what mind renewal really means, and why mind renewal is so vitally important.
What sin has probably caused more pain than any other? A well-qualified candidate is Gossip! It is, in its most formal form, a violation of "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
As we continue our series on being "transformed by the renewing of our minds," from Romans 12:1-2, I'd like to explore a few more reasons why mind renewal is so very important.
Romans 12:1-2 tells us that the way we are "transformed," the way we learn to live Christ's Life, is by the renewing of our minds - putting off our own negative and corrupt thinking and putting on God's Thoughts. As we continue in our series on being transformed by the renewing of our minds , we want to cover two important questions.
Last month we began a series of articles on the Mind of Christ - what it is, what it does and how it works. I appreciate all the wonderful comments I've received as a result of my introductory article. This is a series of articles and the things you asked about will be covered in forthcoming issues. Many of your questions are dealt with in the tape series, Be Ye Transformed.
This is the final article in a series on what it means to love God practically. In our previous articles we covered the first two parts of the Inner Court Ritual--steps I believe God has laid out for us in Scripture to help us love Him the way He desires. In review, these steps are:
In Part One we began a series of articles on loving God. This time, we are concentrating on "practically" what it means to love Him. Do we love God daily by simply having deep emotional affection for Him?
In Part One we began a series on what it means to love God in our every day lives. In other words, what are the day-to-day steps in laying down our wills and our lives to God and loving Him as He desires.
David Needham, author of the book Birthright, states, "...the big task is not the finding of the truth, but the living of it!" I agree with him completely. What good are God's principles if they don't work in our hearts and change our lives?