Displaying 1 - 30 of 38
  • Voting
    This article puts the “personal” in Personal Update. Neither a Bible study nor a research paper, I hope to introduce to you, Gracious Reader, my framework and approach regarding voting and elections.
  • Article
    Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy).
  • Rebellion
    Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, and oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy). The three basic forms of democracy are...
  • Article
    The “Peace Process” grinds on as the world continues to align itself against Israel and our government continues to stiff our only ally in the Middle East. As politicians continue to meddle in the region, we need to remember the Biblical basis of Israel’s right to the land.
    In an attempted to warn the nation, the Democrat Congressman from Florida, Albert S. Herlong, Jr., read into the U.S Congressional Record, January 10, 1963, the list of Communist goals for America (Vol 109, 88th Congress, 1st Session, Appendix, pp. A34–A35).
  • America Divided
    Prior to the Civil War, America was divided into 5 categories: Radical Northern Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Moderate Southern Democrats, Extreme Southern Democrats.
  • U.S. Court
    Have the 50 States been reduced to one United STATE run by 5 supreme despots? Jefferson warned of a judiciary “DESPOTIC branch”. Popular culture describes America as a democracy. Scholars clarify it is a constitutional republic. But in a sense, America is neither.
  • U.S. Flag
    On March 3, 1931, Congress adopted “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the National Anthem.
  • Islam
    Mohammed began as a religious leader in 610 AD in the pagan city of Mecca, making only 70 converts in 12 years. When he became confrontational, the Meccans drove him out for disturbing the peace.
  • Article
    Brian Wise of the US Consumer Coalition describes Operation Choke Point as, “One of the greatest abuses of power that the country has never heard of.” The Wall Street Journal is credited with first informing the public as far back as May 2013 of what has become for many a game changer.
  • Article
    Trillions have been stolen, with trillions more still at risk. Public confidence is the critical enabler that keeps the crime in motion. If that fails, the charade comes to an end. Staying informed is imperative.
  • Article
    It seems as if our current world monetary system is on the verge of collapse. What is the next step for money? We have written before on the concept of money and its history. The last time this topic was addressed in Personal UPDATE was when the U.S. Stimulus Package was passed by Congress when they no longer feared the concept of trillions of dollars in the yearly deficit.
  • Article
    Competition over energy resources is not a recent development. Almost as soon as oil was discovered, it became a contested commodity.
  • Article
    There is a disturbing trend in today’s military to incrementally marginalize a soldier’s faith, particularly Christian faith. American military leaders didn’t always feel this way…
  • Article
    The signers of the Declaration of Independence were certain that war would bring untold suffering and sacrifice at every level, but there was a prize worthy of giving their all—Liberty.
  • Article
    The fight against parental rights has been going on for fifty years and will continue until nations realize that the relationship between a parent and child is not one instituted and protected by the State, but by God.
  • Article
    The UN gave Palestine the status of a non-member state. The only thing this will do is to convince people even more that they are following a clever and successful strategy. They aren’t.
  • Article
    We have become a nation that has a tale of two histories. One that has a deep, rich, spiritual heritage that speaks of a Godly purpose and destiny that was born in the heart of this nation as it was founded, and another that is progressively seeking to distance itself from that, trying to pretend it does not exist.
  • Article
    Much has been said about the United States not being a Christian Nation. From the White House to the TV studio, Christianity’s role in the American Story has been questioned. What are the facts?
  • Article
    This Thanksgiving, with your family, conduct a review of our heritage and the freedoms that have come to us at such a high price.
  • Article
    The Constitution provides the framework for one of the oldest republics in history. This document has been under attack since its adoption, but no more so than over the last half-century.
  • Article
    There is widespread recognition of the overwhelming problems we face, and there is a mounting realization of the only way out: America must decisively change course, and it must do so now.
  • Article
    America’s “War on Drugs,” which officially began in 1971, was repopularized in 1984 by then-President Ronald Reagan.  Our current failed economic policies may be setting the perfect storm for the pharmakeia referenced in Revelation:
  • Article
    “Democracy” is a word heralded from many media venues these days. It makes sense, as “we the people” have been engaging in angry uprisings in various spots around the globe for a host of reasons. For our discussion, the reasons behind the uprisings are not as important as the one key commonality—change in leadership.
  • Article
    The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is part of the Bill of Rights as ratified on December 15, 1791.
  • Article
    Henry Kissinger once observed, “Damascus is at one and the same time the fount of modern Arab nationalism and the exhibit of its frustrations.” He also wrote. “Syrian history alternates achievement with catastrophe.”
  • Article
    Last month, we covered the overall strategy the United States followed in much of its foreign policy and the origins of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also covered the current situation in Iraq. In this article we will explore the situation in Afghanistan and a major player in the Middle East, Iran.
  • Article
    Two events in the United States overshadowed all others in 2008 and still loom large as we enter 2010. One was the financial crisis that, spreading from America’s subprime mortgage mess, has stricken the global economy. The other was the election of Barack Obama to the United States presidency.
  • Article
    In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, unleashed the Islamic Revolution, and changed the world forever.
  • Article
    Recent fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has prompted much speculation about the future of the “peace process.” How will it affect U.S.-Israeli relations? Will it be a repeat of the disastrous month-long war with Hezbollah? Is it motivated by security concerns or political motives?