Displaying 101 - 120 of 1155
  • In a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, 80 percent of people surveyed say they believe America is “mainly” or “totally” split right down the middle on a wide variety of very important subjects.

  • Koinonia House is dedicated to assisting the serious Bible student in becoming an effective ambassador for Christ. Dr. Chuck Missler has often said that “the greatest place to grow in your Christian walk is in a small group where there is intimacy, accountability, and trust.”

  • BASE Tours is a Bible adventurers dream. It is the renewal of a passion for Bible-related tours that was sparked by Chuck Missler years ago. These new excursions with BASE Tours are intended to:

  • At Koinonia House, we’re constantly looking to improve our systems, customer service and access to our resources. Behind the scenes we have many projects on the go and here’s a peek at what’s coming up.

  • The world is in the midst of an information revolution. For many, the use of the internet has created an unparalleled opportunity to create “one language” by which people everywhere can communicate with each other.

  • In 2005, Koinonia House launched the Koinonia Institute fulfilling a dream of Chuck Missler to promote Biblical literacy among 21st century Christians. In the past, Koinonia Institute had 3 basic levels of membership, each with its own cost:

  • On January 27, 1945, the Soviets entered Auschwitz. What they found, in this, now the best known of the Nazi death camps, were the weakest of the still living, corpses, and the remains of the vast machinery of mass murder.

  • Replacement Theology was introduced to the Church shortly after Gentile leadership took over from Jewish leadership. The premises of this belief are that Israel (the Jewish people and the land) are replaced by the Christian Church to fulfill the purposes of God and to become the historic continuation of “Israel” to the exclusion of the former.

  • We are going to focus on one Psalm that has an important nuance. Next to Psalm 22, it is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. Psalm 22 deals with the death of Christ and Psalm 69 deals with the life of Christ.

  • In the lead up to Christmas 2018 I felt the Lord was showing me another side to the festive season. Illness within my family combined with watching friends go through various different trials made me aware that sometimes this can be a very difficult time of year for people.

  • When I was young, I attended a summer camp for kids near Mt Lassen in Northern California. During the week-long camp, they ran various competitions with prizes being awarded as points which would accumulate and be redeemed for some treasure or another from the camp store.

  • In 2005, Koinonia House launched the Koinonia Institute fulfilling a dream of Chuck Missler to promote Biblical literacy among 21st century Christians. In the past, Koinonia Institute had 3 basic levels of membership, each with its own cost...

  • “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” This verse underscores that the mere acquisition and accumulation of facts is insufficient to understand the times in which we live and (with that understanding) to know what to say and how to behave.

  • Apocalyptic topics seem to be the favorite of many who are trying to navigate through this increasingly confusing world. But, of all the end-time themes revealed in the Bible—such as global disasters, the rise of a global super-state, the revelation of the Antichrist...

  • “You are what you eat!” We have all heard this adage at one time or another. Its early uses suggested a link between proper nutrition and good health.

  • DATELINE: June 5, 1967- Israel is surrounded by enemies who want nothing less than her utter extinction. The Soviet-equipped Egyptian Army has amassed a thousand tanks on the nation’s southern border. Syrian heavy guns are shelling her from the north. To the east, Jordan and Iraq are moving mechanized brigades and fighter squadrons into position to attack. Israeli military knew this would happen sooner or later and had mapped out what their response would be. Some of those preparations were planned down to the minute details several years in advance.

  • I am sure – O Gracious Reader – you have experienced something similar to any or all of the following. Several months ago, I opened my e-mail program only to find dozens of unread e-mails had flooded my inbox in a short period of time.

  • One professional occupation requires the skills discussed in two of my recent articles in this publication. In the May article, I described “conversation” as often being either a “dialogue or a monologue with interruptions.”

  • Throughout the history of man there have been two basic forms of public government: 1. Rule by the elite (monarchy, aristocracy, and oligarchy) and 2. Rule by the people (democracy). The three basic forms of democracy are...

  • I write this article from RAMAT RACHEL, a kibbutz our BASE/KHOUSE tour participants visited as part of their tour of the Holy Land during the month of May. I write this on the second Sunday of the month of May...