Displaying 961 - 980 of 1146
  • There has been much controversy over the final 12 verses of the Gospel of Mark. Behind this dispute lies some astonishing discoveries of profound significance.

  • Last month we continued our series of articles on Faith in the Night Seasons by exploring God's will and how we can know it personally. What is God's will for decisions like, "Should I take that new job offer?"..."Should I marry?" ... "Should I have that operation?"

  • Excerpts from recent broadcasts of The Missler Report with Chuck Missler, John Leoffler and guest Joel Skousen (editor of World Affairs Brief) concerning CHINA AND RUSSIA and nuclear war against America.

  • An increasingly popular genre of entertainment - in both books and movies - is a form of science fiction that deals with one of the frontiers of the computer industry: virtual reality.

  • The "Piece Process" grinds on as the world continues to align itself against Israel and our government continues to stiff our only ally in the Middle East. As politicians continue to meddle in the region, we need to remember the Biblical basis of Israel's right to the land. It doesn't belong to the Palestinians... or to the UN...or to the U.S...or even Israel! It is the Lord's.

  • What is the greatest thought that ever entered the mind of Man? Daniel Webster suggested, "My responsibility to my Maker!"

  • Exploring God's sovereign will, His revealed will, His will for all mankind and His will for believers hopefully has been helpful. But what about daily knowing God's specific, individual and personal will for our lives? "Should we take that new job offer?" "Would it be better if we move to that new city?"

  • We take for granted the ease with which we can make copies of documents today. Even before the revolution of our copiers and fax machines, it was the invention of Johannes Gutenberg's movable type in 1454 that ushered in the printing techniques that we also have come to take for granted today.

  • Since the Y2K rollover on January 1, it has been interesting to watch the post-event analyses, which divided into two general camps: (1) a hard job well-done that prevented disaster or (2) not a problem in the first place and lots of wasted money and time.

  • When Moses asked Pharaoh to "Let my people go," Pharaoh responded, "Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?" If Pharaoh could have read the book of Hosea, he would have known that the Lord was a sovereign God (Chapters 1-3); a holy God (Chapters 4-7); a just God (Chapters 8-10); and a loving God (Chapters 11-14).

  • One of the most familiar "Christmas Card" verses is found in Isaiah:

  • Continuing on in our series Faith in the Night Seasons, how appropriate it is during this Christmas season that we first spend a few moments remembering how much God loves us. The whole purpose of our book Faith in the Night Seasons is to show the length, the height and the depth of God's Love toward us.

  • Each year, as we approach the holiday season, our preparations for Christmas include revisiting the events surrounding the birth of Our Lord. Bethlehem, the shepherds, and the angels are familiar to us all. But not much is generally known about the mysterious "Magi" who came to worship the infant Jesus.

  • The Panama Canal is once again a point of controversy in Congress. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott has called for a congressional investigation into allegations that the operations of the Panama Canal will, by the end of this year, come under the control of a company which is said to be closely tied to the Chinese government.

  • Thanksgiving is intended to be the most spiritual of our national holidays. It is a time to reassess our situation, ask forgiveness for failures, reestablish our priorities, and to give thanks to God for our heritage, the vision, and the commitment of our founders for the liberty and freedoms that have resulted from their commitment and devotion to us, their posterity.

  • We at K-House are continually searching for more effective ways to serve our subscribers and supporters. Our commitment to electronic media from the very beginning of this ministry was prompted by busy people "on the go" in our mobile and active society.

  • Over the last several months as we have been reviewing our new book Faith in the Night Seasons, we've taken some time to really explore God's basic will for our lives. According to the Bible, there seem to be four different aspects to God's will:

  • How many of you are in the "full-time ministry?" If you are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you are, indeed, in the "full-time" ministry - whether you realize it or not. Consider this recruiting ad:

  • In order to thoroughly explore "night seasons," their origin and purpose, we need to go back to the beginning. What is God's basic will for our lives and how does He achieve it? In other words, why has He called us to be Christians in the first place?

  • The performance was called "Showtime." It lasted 51 days and when it was over, more than three score Branch Davidians lay dead in their church home in Waco, Texas: dead from gunfire, smoke inhalation, fire and cyanide poisoning - dead by their own hand according to the federal government.