Displaying 781 - 800 of 1146
  • God has given man a free will, much like His own. Our free will is the most important element of our make-up, because within that will lies the power to choose: to choose to follow what God desires us to do or follow what our own thoughts and emotions are telling us.

  • In last month's article, we revealed what may finally be the "smoking gun" needed to confirm a cover-up of the Roswell crash. This month we'll look at one of the more elaborate examples of apparent disinformation involving ostensible government documents.

  • Let's assume that the United States and its allies have overthrown Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. What types of issues and problems will follow?

  • The topics of UFOs, alien abductions, and the like continue to emerge in the news and are gaining even more popularity in the entertainment media And, as never before, the folklore continues to get mixed in with the facts.

  • The "Beads of Waitangi" are a string of 347 beads which spell out Genesis 1:1 in Morse Code.

  • As Christians, most of us would agree that we've not been called simply to gain knowledge about Christ, but to gain more of His Life to give to others. We would concur that true Christianity is not about "head knowledge," but about Christ's Life being personally experienced and then passed on.

  • We have in our possession a considered response to this basic question from one of the wisest, richest, most powerful men to have walked the earth. And yet even today his counsel is widely ignored or misunderstood!

  • Did life on Earth - with all of its incredible complexity and diversity - arise from an undirected evolutionary process, as many scientists have believed since the time of Charles Darwin?

  • Last month we began a brand-new series called Against the Tide. This new series will cover some very simple, but extremely important, fundamental principles: i.e., how to walk by faith. If we don't understand how to make moment-by-moment faith choices, we may as well forget "living the Christian life!"

  • Natural thoughts, emotions and desires. The dictionary calls them "the movers of our soul" because what we think and feel is usually what we choose to follow.

  • The holidays are upon us. It's now a special time of treats and seasonal goodies, so most of us find ourselves hanging around the kitchen more than usual at this time of year!

  • As we approach winter, depending upon which part of the country we live, we will encounter freezing temperatures. Most of the country will enjoy the poetry and beauty - and the needed respites - of the ice and snow of this special season.

  • For years, whenever I had a problem, other Christians would tell me, "Nancy, just give it to God." Well, that's really easy to say, but how on earth do you do it in action?

  • When things fall apart in our lives, it's so easy for someone looking in to simply say, "Oh, just give it to God." Well, the question is, how exactly does one do that? This has been the topic of our discussion over the past several months - how do we give things to God and leave them there?

  • When God put it on my heart to write a book about worship, I questioned my friends, my family and others how and when they worshiped. "Do you worship the Lord on a daily basis, or just on Sundays?"

  • There is a book of the Bible that some have attempted to ban from public libraries because it was deemed unsuitable for children:  the Book of Judges.  It contains some graphic material that is so explicit that it has shocked many that such passages are even in the Bible!

  • Does the statement, "We've always done it that way" sound familiar to you?

  • In the last article, we examined the origins of the Scythians, the descendants of Magog who terrorized the southern steppes of Russia from the 10th to the 3rd century b.c.

  • In my opinion the "key" to the Christian walk is knowing how, moment by moment, to give things over to God-how to acknowledge and confess our sin and self; how to repent of it; and then, how to give it over to Him.

  • There's a huge difference between simply knowing that we possess God's Life in our hearts and actually experiencing it in our lives. The key to being able to do this, moment by moment, is understanding how to surrender ourselves to the Lord. This process is what we have been exploring over these last several months in Personal UPDATE.