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    Many people who knew Jesus understood him well enough to admire him, to respect him, and to love him. Others were terrified of him. Some of his own relatives said he was out of his mind. But the politically and religiously intolerant leaders of first-century Israel hated him. So they murdered him. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Not by a long shot.

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    Dr. Chuck Missler, a widely recognized Biblical authority, updates his classic study of Christmas. He explores the background, and myths, surrounding our favorite holiday.

    • What really happened in Bethlehem two thousand years ago?
    • Who were the "Magi?"
    • Why a virgin birth?
    • What does a Christmas Tree have to do with it?

    Each year at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

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    We frequently quote St. Augustine’s observation, “In the Old Testament the New Testament is concealed; in the New Testament the Old Testament is revealed.”
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    What Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today?
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    This book lets Jesus speak for himself, in his own words as recorded by the New Testament writers. In a sense, we’ve created an autobiography.
  • Footprints of the Messiah
    We believe God has provided us a series of footprints that lead us through the Torah to Jesus Christ… What Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today? Jesus as the Old Testament’s Messiah of Israel!