• Whenever some tragedy involving a teenager occurs, immediately the media's how-could-this happen hand wringing begins grinding through the broadcast and newspaper mills.

  • Well, the FBI has been at it again.  Examining documents with cutting-edge computer technology, they've deciphered blacked-out text and lost messages.  And what their investigation reveals is scandalous.

  • Highlights from recent radio broadcasts of The Missler Report with Chuck Missler, host John Loeffler, and guests Dave Noebel and Rabbi Daniel Lapin on the subject of "How Far Has America Slipped?"

  • The move by the world's governments to number, track and spy upon their citizens is arousing serious concern on several continents.

  • The observances of Good Friday and Easter Sunday have perpetuated the traditional chronology that the crucifixion took place on a Friday, and that the Lord’s body was buried on that day at about 6:00 p.m., and that he rose from the dead early on the following Sunday morning.

  • With the new CD-ROM release this month of our commentary on the Book of Ezekiel it seems like an appropriate time to profile this most fascinating prophet of the Old Testament.

  • Each Easter season we celebrate the series of injustices that led to the conviction of the innocent and the acquittal of the guilty.

  • We began a series of articles last month on why faith is so important in our lives. We defined faith as being fully persuaded that what God has promised, He will perform.

  • Few subjects in the Bible are more important for us to understand than that of faith. The dictionary tells us that faith is "confidence or trust in a person or thing." Since human trust has been greatly abused in this world, many people have chosen to put their faith in "something" rather than "someone." This should never be true of the believer.

  • One of the more perplexing areas for the Christian is our responsibilities as a citizen. Especially in an election year, it is a good time to review our obligations to the Throne of our King.

  • Are you heading into a threatening storm? Is the course you're on heading for rocks and shoals? As we travel, we are becoming aware that significant portions of our subscribers are going through serious trials and "dark times."

  • After a decade of negotiations, assassinations and terrorism (i.e., life as usual in the Middle East), this year will most likely see the peace process wind down to its conclusion.  Its final outcome is laced with many uncertainties, but what is certain is that when it ends, both sides will realize that everything possible by means of peaceful negotiation has already been achieved.

  • This first book of the New Testament plunges right in to establish Jesus as the Meshiach Nagid, the Messiah the King. After first establishing the royal genealogy,1he then goes on to focus on the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies: Matthew uses the term "fulfilled" 82 times!

  • Excerpts from recent radio broadcasts of The Missler Report with Chuck Missler, host John Loeffler and guest Leone Podles, author of The Church Impotent, concerning THE OVER-FEMINIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY.

  • Last month we continued our series of articles on Faith in the Night Seasons by exploring God's will and how we can know it personally. What is God's will for decisions like, "Should I take that new job offer?"..."Should I marry?" ... "Should I have that operation?"

  • There has been much controversy over the final 12 verses of the Gospel of Mark. Behind this dispute lies some astonishing discoveries of profound significance.

  • Excerpts from recent broadcasts of The Missler Report with Chuck Missler, John Leoffler and guest Joel Skousen (editor of World Affairs Brief) concerning CHINA AND RUSSIA and nuclear war against America.

  • Two thousand is the year that the "Piece Process" is scheduled to be resolved. It will be a most difficult year; all the tough issues remain - Jerusalem, the water rights, the "final" borders, etc.

  • The "Piece Process" grinds on as the world continues to align itself against Israel and our government continues to stiff our only ally in the Middle East. As politicians continue to meddle in the region, we need to remember the Biblical basis of Israel's right to the land. It doesn't belong to the Palestinians... or to the UN...or to the U.S...or even Israel! It is the Lord's.

  • What is the greatest thought that ever entered the mind of Man? Daniel Webster suggested, "My responsibility to my Maker!"