Displaying 1 - 30 of 44
  • Leadership for the End Times
    In the turbulent times we find ourselves in, good Christian leadership becomes paramount. The Biblical teachings provide us with timeless wisdom and guidance on how to lead effectively, especially in challenging and uncertain periods.
  • End Times Scenario
    The end of the world. It’s been a question in the heart of man for millennia. We all want to know how much longer we have - and what will happen at the end of days.
  • Seven Letters
    And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; - Revelation 3:14
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    In this age of deceit and treachery it is vital to be protected from the consequences of the spiritual war raging around us.

    The Bible tells us to put on the "whole armor" of God. What is it? And when do you put it on?

    We are all already in enemy territory. The time to put on the whole armor is before the battle, not after it has already begun.

    Some of our adversaries wear three-piece suits, carry briefcases with cellular phones, speak excellent English and network effectively.

    Are you equipped and prepared or are you a sitting duck?

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    The third of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” brings inflation and famine on an unprecedented scale.

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    Dr. Chuck Missler explores these and other questions below concerning this climactic Fourth Horsemen and the unique role it plays in the End-Time Scenario:
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    • What does the Bible say about “wars”?
    • How can the classic literature of centuries ago impact today's (and tomorrow’s) tactics and strategies?
    • Which technologies are predicted in the Bible?
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    The final world dictator seeking global domination will also be an “Assyrian” who is here characterized by a bow, riding a white horse. It is interesting how many confuse this counterfeit with the rider of the white horse in Revelation 19. In chapter 6, however, this rider is among some very bad company!

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    • Do the bright prospects of Biotech justify tampering with mechanisms far from being understood?
    • Will the Biotech revolution cast a dark shadow over the first half of the 21st century as nuclear technology did over the last century?

    The astonishing advances in the field of microbiology now offer new remedies for many of mankind's most illusive and devastating diseases and even many genetic defects. However, these promises are not without a potential dark side.

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    What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times? How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends, and within your community?

    This follows the wonderful success of the “Weathering the Coming Storm” series where Dr. Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen dealt with global, national, and personal issues impacting all of our lives today. “Church in the End Times” serves as the NEXT STEP in equipping ourselves with the tools and insights we need to be a guiding light to a world coping in the Last Days darkness of chaos and deceit.

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    Do you know the Most Amazing Passage in the entire Bible?

    In this study of Daniel's 70 Weeks, you will discover this amazing prophecy in the Old Testament predicted the very day that Jesus presented Himself as the Meschiach Nagid, the Messiah the King, to Jerusalem.

    The Seventy Week Prophecy of Daniel 9 includes the most incredible validation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, which He held them accountable to have known.

    In a confidential briefing to His disciples, Jesus also highlights this passage as the key to understanding all other prophecies concerning His return.

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    Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible–such as global disasters (Mt 24), the rise of the global super-state, the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek 38-39)–“deception and apostasy in the church” is listed more times than any other end-time “sign of the times.”

    Are we currently living in the Age of Apostasy? Ron Matsen explores the evidence and causes of apostasy and provides an antidote for apostasy in this timely study.

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teaching.

    © 2012 Koinonia House Inc.

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    What does the Bible have to say about the End Times? Matthew’s Gospel records the warning of Jesus where He said, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” The apostle Paul expands on this by stating; “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.”

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    There are many diverse anticipations concerning the Coming World Leader, commonly referred to as “The Antichrist.” This study will explore the Biblical descriptions with the specific expectations of the globalists, Islam, the Vatican, Freemasonry, and others.

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    • Are we alone on this planet Earth?
    • Has mankind been in contact with Extraterrestrial beings?
    • What does the Bible have to say about this?

    Ron Matsen brings some new insights to this highly disputed subject, with over 25 years in the aerospace industry.

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    Hosea's Challenge to America!

    Hosea, one of the most provocative prophets of the Old Testament, was called by God to declare God's impending judgment on the Northern Kingdom:

    They had been experiencing an unparalleled prosperity in their time: and yet they had sunk to the lowest moral depths of their two century history. It was the Best of Times and it was the Worst of Times.

    As a result, God was about to use their enemies as His instrument of judgment.

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    • Has God abandoned Israel?
    • Has the Church “replaced” Israel?
    • What does the Bible say?

    As we watch the world events, it is clear that Israel is following her prophetic scenario, and a new chapter is about to be written–and there may be a big surprise on our near horizon!

    This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teaching.

    Copyright © 2012

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    The original birth of civilization began in the Middle East and migrated westward - to Greece, to Rome, and then to the nations of northern Europe. As Henry Luce so aptly quipped in 1941, ''The twentieth century was the American Century.'' And indeed it was. But the centroid of power continues to migrate westward: it is widely anticipated that the 21st century will be the ''Asian Century.''

    With recent shifts in the economic centers of the world, most notably the decline of the U.S., the Far East is quickly rising to fill the void.

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    Are “leadership skills” only something for a select few or can everyone benefit from understanding what the Bible says about leadership?

    What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times?

    How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends and within your community?

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    Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the “End Times” or “Last Days”. In this field of study, there is a minefield of disinformation, misunderstandings and myths concerning many future events:

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    What is the World Coming To?

    The Bible contains 8,362 predictive verses about 737 different matters and yet prophecy is one of the most neglected subjects in the Church today. Understanding prophecy is an essential and fundamental issue for every serious Christian. But where do we start?

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    Profiling the Future Through the Lens of Scripture

    Chuck Missler takes readers on an eye-opening journey, showing them how our time is an exciting fulfillment of prophecy. Profoundly provocative, this book allows us to get a clear view of what past Biblical prophecies mean for both the present and the future. Through careful exegesis, Missler posits that the Biblical track record in accurate prophecy offers understanding of likely future events across the ever-changing globe. But he doesn't engage in guess-work. Instead, Missler:

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    • What's behind the UFO's?
    • Where are they from?
    • Are they the Nephilim of ages past?
    • What does the Bible say about them?
    • What's their agenda for Planet Earth?

    This subject has not gone away. On the contrary, much new evidence has surfaced with global implications. Chuck explores the Biblical relevance and disturbing agenda of the apparent extraterrestrial life forms that have been forcing themselves into our global consciousness and reveals their most disturbing agenda.

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    The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?

    Revelation is a "lens" that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)

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    Many people are becoming increasingly conscious that we are entering a unique phase of human history. Some are terrified. Some are predicting cosmic doom on the near horizon. Others are making astonishing predictions. What does the Bible really say?

    Eschatology (the Study of “Last Things”) is among the most challenging avenues of study, even for the most sophisticated.

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    Episode 4: Sept 23rd - The Great Sign

    One of the biggest talking points among Christians on Social Media so far this year has been the possible prophetic link between Revelation 12 and September 23rd, 2017. Some call it "The Great Sign."

    Does Revelation 12 predict an astrological event? Is this event the trigger point for 'The Rapture'? Join Ron Matsen as he takes the September 23rd 2017 prophecies into 'The Forge.'

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    In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward a far-reaching transformation that promises in the very near future to redefine what it means to be human.

    As a result, new modes of perception between things visible and invisible are expected to challenge the Church in ways that are unprecedented. The destiny of each individual–as well as the future of their family will depend on the knowledge of this new paradigm and their preparedness to face it head on.

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    For many years we have been following the conventional view of Ezekiel 38 and 39. With the growing tensions between Iran and Israel, these passages are the subject of much current debate. However, the conventional view still leaves a number of puzzling inconsistencies and contradictions. Ezekiel 38 indicates that Israel is dwelling safely and ''without walls.'' Yet, with walls being built and missiles landing each day Israel is hardly dwelling in peace.

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    • What is the purpose of the Great Tribulation?
    • What is the prophetic role of Ammon, Moab, and Edom (now known as Jordan)?
    • Where does Jesus return? On the Mount of Olives or in Bozrah?

    Jesus warns the dwellers in Judea that when they see the "Abomination of Desolation" - a desecrating idol installed in the Holy of Holies of the Temple - to flee to the mountains. The remnant of Israel will find refuge there for three and a half years while God protects them and provides for them.

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    Over the many decades that I have enjoyed my love affair with the Bible, I have had the marvelous benefit of many great teachers. But I also would like to let you in on a precious secret. The greatest personal growth I've ever witnessed occurred in a home Bible study. The fellowship of those intimate home groups, where people can interact, ask questions, and hold one another accountable, was the place of growth for all of us -- teacher and student.