Update on Coming Changes

From the Registrar’s desk

You have seen articles[1] in Personal Update over the past months[2] about new things coming to Koinonia Institute (KI). We are very happy to announce that the first changes are rolling out in July!

That is exciting news because these changes put an even stronger emphasis on seeking and following God. We believe the new pathways and new classes coming online will help you not only sort out the trends around you, but also see how to accomplish what the Lord has appointed you to do.

And you might be interested to know that a large number of these new classes will not have any quizzes or final exams. Keep reading for the details about these improvements.

Changes to Bronze Medallion Level

The Old Testament and New Testament survey classes will continue as requirements for the Bronze level Berean Track, but there will be one change. In these survey classes, Dr. Missler introduces many things that he refers to in later teaching so we have made both classes the prerequisite for all other classes.

New students will have to complete both before they can enroll in other classes.

The two other classes required for the Bronze level are being replaced with several shorter classes. The change will add one more session, about an hour, for Bronze. Here are the new classes:

  1. How We Got Our Bible (Issachar Track)
  2. How to Study the Bible (Issachar Track)
  3. Death of Discernment (Issachar Track)
  4. Discovering God (Koinonos Track)
  5. The Love of God (Koinonos Track)

The only other requirement for the Bronze level is unchanged. A signed affirmation of the Statement of Faith is still required. It can be completed online.

Changes to Silver Medallion Level

Silver Medallion classes have been a major focus of the Academic Review Committee’s work.[3] There are no changes to Berean Track classes (the Bible classes). If you are a member of KI, you can see those requirements listed online. Log in, click Your Account, and then click Your Achievements in the sidebar.

Silver Issachar Track

There are now two pathways for the Silver Medallion Issachar Track. The original pathway, the I600 series classes, will continue with no changes. That path involves two preparatory classes, Introduction to Strategic Trends, and Worldview Studies. Then there are four classes to produce four briefings on Strategic Trends.

The new option for Silver Issachar includes End Times Scenario, and Evidence and Logic (a new class) as required classes. To complete the track, you will soon be able to select from a variety of short courses that we are actively expanding. The focus will be on how to discern the truth, exploring the opportunities God provides, then finding and developing your personal area of ministry in God’s Kingdom. This focus links directly with the Koinonos Track where you will begin bringing to life the ministry God is directing you to.

The two paths for Silver Issachar have some striking differences, but they are also similar. Each path involves the same number of session hours, and they have the same goals. They both involve understanding both the world we live in, and how we as Christians need to function in it. The old Strategic Trends path has always dictated the direction the student had to travel. In contrast the new path requires the student to seek direction from the Holy Spirit.

What has been known as the Silver Essay is being reformatted and may be re-named. Essentially, it is your assessment of how God has equipped you, and how your Kingdom ministry is either taking form or moving forward. This initially will provide a synopsis of your walk with the Lord as He accomplishes His will in your life. As you grow in your walk in the Lord and his will becomes more clear in your life, this paper will doubtless need to be updated and will eventually serve as a tool to help keep you focused on the ministry God has directed you to. New members will likely have their first exposure to this at the Bronze level.

Silver Koinonos Track

As the Koinonia Institute Student Handbook states, “The Koinonos Track is intended to emphasize being a doer of the Word, not a hearer only.” At the Silver level, this means engaging in real-world ministry, as God leads.

New coursework begins with The Great Commission class, and will include a number of new short courses yet to be developed. These are intended to help members address the issues they may face as they serve God in the areas of ministry where He calls them to serve. New courses are being sought out and developed as quickly as possible. We intend to provide high quality teaching for hands-on situations. As much as possible, we want to select the classes based on input from members and the kinds of service we see happening.

Ideally, Koinonos classes will naturally link to practicum work “in the field.” When you are exploring possible ways of serving, you will want to get your feet wet by wading into an activity to get a sense of what ministry entails. Once the Lord makes it clear where He wants you to serve, you will certainly want to jump in and do it. After a while, you may want to explore even more options to expand your impact or to specialize as the Lord leads you. All of these types of opportunities you engage in are examples of what a practicum is made of, and we want to encourage everyone to develop those kinds of practicums. You will need several for the Silver Medallion level.

Perhaps you already have a sense of where the Lord is leading you. If you have achieved a Bronze Medallion level, you can submit a practicum idea right now for review. Pray about what you should do, then log in and under Upcoming Courses click Course Schedule. In the section titled General Courses, click on Koinonos Practicums to get started.

New Assessment Tool

Some courses are better suited to being graded than others. Berean Track courses fit well with quizzes, final exams, and grades because of their length and the amount of information they contain. The courses in the Issachar and Koinonos Tracks, however, are generally shorter, and the emphasis in those tracks is on action more than information. The Academic Review Committee determined that a change was needed, so a new assessment tool has been incorporated for Issachar and Koinonos. It is known in educational circles as KWL.

The KWL activity serves as a self-assessment of learning as well as a personal summary of the course. Prior to starting a course of study, the learner completes the “K” section by writing what is already KNOWN about the topic and the “W” section by writing what the learner WANTS to know about the subject. Together these form the foundation and provide the direction of learning. Either as the course progresses or at the end of the course, the learner records the “L” which is what was LEARNED. This can be a series of statements from each lesson or a synthesis of ideas and themes throughout the entire course. As a serious student, what you receive from this class and the use of this tool will be in direct proportion to the effort you invest in your learning. (Excerpted from a new KI class introduction.)

The KWL form will be available for download in each class where it is required, and is easily submitted online in the same way as the Proverb Log. No feedback or grading of the KWL will be done; submitting it only confirms the student has gone through the process of review and assessment. Of course, support is available to anyone who needs help. The KWL upload triggers the system to close out the class for that student.

Some new Issachar and Koinonos Topical Elective classes[4] will use quizzes and final exams as before. However, we are making KWL available as an option in every class for students who find it helpful to document what they learn and how God has been leading them.

Ready, Set, Go…

The Academic Review Committee was assembled because of a concern that KI was not the discipleship program it was meant to be. Dr. Missler and the Board of Directors approved the initial committee report and expressed confidence in this renewed commitment to the KI Mission.

The ambitious changes outlined here are just the first phase. Lord willing, you will see announcements in the near future about new improvements being rolled out.

In the meantime, you will have more choices available and fewer barriers! We hope that helps you run the race and be better prepared to take up the mantle God has prepared for you.

Blessings from the office of the Registrar,
Stan Honn


  1. Chris Corlett, “The Truth About Truth,” Personal Update, February 2016: p27. Series continued in March and April. https://www.khouse.org/personal_update/ 
  2. Graham Preston, “Coming Soon: New and Improved Koinonia Institute,” Personal Update, April 2016: p8, https://www.khouse.org/personal_update/ 
  3. Ibid. 
  4. These course numbers begin with ITE and KTE designations, e.g. ITE501.